dow 26000


Inordinately Right
Free money forever = Dow 100,000 in 5 years.
Market seemed a-okay with predictable slow roll back of quantitative easing. Tax cuts when the economy is booming triggers inflation and forces the fed's hand to escalate that roll back.

Whatever man, I don't really care, I got close to 25 years of an aggressive growth strategy left.... I don't mind stocks going on sale especially this early in my investing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's like riding a roller coaster these days . UP, up , down , up, down , down, and up again .
The actual impact of overall tariffs announced so far is relatively small at $36.5 billion (for example, the announced 25% tariffs on $60 billion of Chinese imports equates to $15 billion), especially compared to the fiscal stimulus currently in the pipeline, according to Dan Clifton of Strategas. Indeed, tax cuts combined with the recently signed spending package should be roughly $300 billion. Moreover, there is an estimated $500 billion of profits to be repatriated from overseas.

The good news is the pullback in stocks is helping to reset an overheated market. The S&P 500 forward Price-toEarnings Ratio (P/E) has dropped from 18.5x in January to 16.0x currently. We noted earlier in the year, that the market found fundamental support at 16.0x P/E during 2016 around the Brexit shock and US elections. It did so again around the initial pullback in early February of this year.