DOW 30000



Well-Known Member
You and @Jones ... what a pair applauding a Biden bounce.
An end to COVID is in sight and the market bounces up on the news of a vaccine and therapeutics!
The vacine and therapeutics were always in play, the election cluster was not. The election cluster seems to be working itself out, in spite of the lame Donald Duck's sedition.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Thank you President Trump , your leadership is making many Americans a lot of money and no wars .You are truly one of the best presidents we've had in modern history !!!!💲💲💲💲:money::money::money:

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The vacine and therapeutics were always in play, the election cluster was not. The election cluster seems to be working itself out, in spite of the lame Donald Duck's sedition.
I know you are too smart to really believe that.
I don’t watch news much but I have FOX Business or CNBC on the TV while I am doing other stuff.
Neither of those two attribute any Market gains to Biden.
The gains have all come with announcements of vaccines with high efficacy rates.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile as we're enjoying tremendous prosperity . Joe Biden on the other side is making historical statements , someday a hundred years from now people will look back on history and they'll see Joe Biden's historical speech !!!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Biden's in a tough spot. Does he risk undermining the economy by overreaching with restrictions via executive order?


Well-Known Member
Dow at 30,000 might mean something to the guy who's having trouble covering his margin calls but it doesn't mean a damn thing to the guy who's having trouble simply covering his rent. .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Dow at 30,000 might mean something to the guy who's having trouble covering his margin calls but
it doesn't mean a damn thing to the guy who's having trouble simply covering his rent.
Exactly! 'The guy who's having trouble simply covering his rent' doesn't want to hear about shutdowns!


Inordinately Right
Dow at 30,000 might mean something to the guy who's having trouble covering his margin calls but it doesn't mean a damn thing to the guy who's having trouble simply covering his rent. .
Democrats must have closed down the business he worked for.

The good news is thanks to the Trump administration multiple vaccines will have a quick distribution and the POS Democrats will have to find a new way to screw the working man.
