DOW 30000

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Do you think it's going to keep going up?
No idea ... if Biden is elected and the Repugs hold the Senate, it will most likely stabilize.
If the DemWits get the Senate, it will plummet, I'm afraid.

Georgia looks to be the linchpin on the Senate and I must admit, I don't have a good grasp on Georgia voters anymore.
It is looking pretty black here in Georgia ... LOL.

Hell, my county use to be 80% Repug (20 years ago) and now it's 60% Black and 62% DemWits.
Really depends on your financial situation ... I've got enough to live a my current level until my wife and I die.

That's why I got out of the market ... DemWits could take it back down to Obama levels.
I'll deal with Covid one country at a time.

I just took a little off the table, being hopefully optimistic that a vaccine will come out and the market will shoot up


Staff member
This thread is for people with money to invest. That leaves out FedEx workers.
@It will be fine