In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
FDX has always made it abundantly clear that is is NOT in the business of creating enterprise value for third parties. Your role as a contractor is to provide so called "purchased transportation" at bargain basement rates and to serve as a firewall against the incursion of a union represented workforce. That's it. That's all that there was to the entire venture and what you were they for. Keep in mind that it was only under the threat of an Internal Revenue Service lawsuit did the company have to grudgingly grant goodwill and proprietary rights to contractors.
Therefore it only stands to reason that the company isn't going to give a rodent's rectum about you and your equity if it comes down to push versus shove. But, you guys wouldn't listen. You just kept hoarking up ever larger monetary hairballs and putting it in the pot while just ASSUMING that future events would unfold in a way that would keep it secure. Unfortunately, it's only now that your discovering that the investment risks were much higher than you realized.
And that's why when you talked about the "millions and millions of dollars" (your own words) that you expected those routes to be sold for....I just sit back and laughed. Oh, you might get it but right now the distance between you and those "millions and millions" just got a whole lot bigger.
Where did all the Biden praise posters go? Remember how they were giving him all the credit for the market performance?
She is probably crying somewhere praying to her Biden Idol as FedEx goes down the toilet..