A couple of points...as two people with UPS management experience I really CANNOT believe you made this comment and ill go so far as to ask you to please take it back. No UPS employees role in life is to "keep the boss happy".
Every employee's job is to service the customer as best possible.
Take what back? the customer is the first boss in a long line of bosses. we the management folks define the service and cost. We determine how we measure the business. We determine what numbers we need to chase and what goals we need to achieve in order to maintain a viable business. The numbers we chase is what filters down to every employee in the business. Even I do not have the rank and authority to do my own thing. I have to work within a framework given to me by my boss. I have to keep my boss happy with the job I do. You can pass the joint and tell me that you work for the customer but the fact remains you have a boss at UPS and if you don't do what that person tells you to do then you won't work here long enough to ever "serve any customers"
"If you or anyone claims their is a universal goal among management to put the customer first, instead of trying to just cover their

or glide to retirement with a few million in stock, it would be a lie (and no i am not saying or suggesting you are lying)."
Our first goal is to keep UPS a viable busines that makes money for all of us and keeps all of us employed. Putting the customer first is one facet of the business that may or may not help us achieve our primary goal of being a viable business.
Havent we reached a point where we need to remember and speak about our philosophy? Is there any building in the country that doesnt have a Jim Casey quote framed which speaks to our phiosophy. Either we address what is wrong, both management and hourly, as UPS'ers or we can let our non union competitors roll over us. Post PAS time allowances are not fair, and we know the package selection time was eliminated for the drivers which cost them about a half hour each day on their "plan" time. Couple this with preloaders that can barely read and loads that are sent out maxed and you have a need for MORE package selection allowance. Are their lazy, pathetic drivers out there that hid behind the union....ABSOLUTELY....but are there lazy, pathetic membes of management that got their job due to a quota, friendship with higher ups or just hanging around with a few million in friend.U. money and dont care anymore....ABSOLUTELY
I have to admit a lot of the posts on this board give me hope that there are enough people that still care that can right this ship before Atlanta destoys my biggest personal investment. Even the pissers and moaners must care a little or they wouldnt take the time to do it...
The rest of your post I don't disagree with. I'm not defending his boss. The guy sounds like he has a few flaws he needs to fix. What I'm trying to tell anarchy is whether or not anarchys boss is the biggest a-hole in the world that guy is anarchys boss and he can fire anarchy if anarchy is not very carefull. Feeding the flames at this time could be a huge mistake for him.