So our boss calls me and 4 other drivers in, mind you the regional boss, not the center boss, along with the steward and tells us that because of past supervisors methods that none of us should even be ups drivers, because we all got a "free pass" on our packets during peak. After the initial shock on everyones faces, she continued to say we are all over allowed and asks us how we can fix it.
She points to me and tells me i have to be 1 hour under allowed than i was yesterday, and i tell her its not happening. She asks why and i said, because this is the 2nd time i've been on this route and its not gonna happen, i have no area knowledge.
The steward chimes in and says, i cant believe you are even sending him cold on this route in the first place and with that crappy manual truck, keep in mind the steward did this route before. He also said every single route in that area needs a re study, So after trying to find someone to come ride with me, she realized no one else had area knowledge and i was basically out on my own.
The post offices in those small rural areas close early as well so by the time trace had me show up to one it was closed and i had 9 closed after 5. She continues to tell me since she knows it was my first time on route and that i have no area knowledge she wont give me a warning
Every day ive done that route, (2 times) ive come in after 12 hours and ECD everything i couldn't get to. It sucks but i guess every time they send me out cold ill just do my best and punch every address in the gps until it comes to me.