Hi everybody, I'm new to the forums here since I am a recent hire at UPS (well sort of, I worked as a driver helper back in 2012). I have taken an offer to become a part-time supervisor (haven't taken the test yet though) since the benefits and pay are a match for my needs. Although I'm not expecting to go back to school until 2015, this leaves a lot of time for me to knock some of those student loans out. My question is, given the opportunities for potential overtime, what can a part-time supervisor expect to make in a year assuming they took on all the overtime that was offered? Also, is overtime something that part-time sups compete over? Obviously this differs from hub to hub, but I work in the main hub for my area of the state. Can anybody offer some insight on this who may have experience? What are some of the rules and stipulations to this and some other things I should look out for? I appreciate your input. (sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, if I did please don't knock me I'm a newbie here)