Economic recovery package before Congress"would provide massive fiscal stimulus."


Well-Known Member
A small 17 billion dollar list from CNN. This does not even include the 30 million in the bill to protect the wetlands in Pelosi's district (home of the now famous mouse) which would only create at most 100 jobs. Even the spokesman for the propaganda ministry for the Obama regime (Gibbs) admits there is pork in this bill.

• $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said the project was inefficient.

• A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.

Neither of those two items made it into the final bill, dude. Until you prove otherwise, I shall assume that you're lying about all of the other items as well.


Well-Known Member
Neither of those two items made it into the final bill, dude. Until you prove otherwise, I shall assume that you're lying about all of the other items as well.

Like I said just copied it off CNN dude. If you have a problem with what they are reporting complain to them not me sweetheart. I started to read the bill myself but only made it to page 200 or so. Have you read it? My guess is not so that would mean like the rest of us you rely on what others say about it as well. Anyway thank goodness they were able to cut at least a small amount from this pork bill.

Here is another list of pork in the bill. This from world press.

$44 million for construction, repair and improvements at US Department of Agriculture facilties
$209 million for work on deferred maintenance at Agricultural Research Service facilities
$245 million for maintaining and modernizing the IT system of the Farm Service Agency
$175 million to buy and restore floodplain easements for flood prevention
$50 million for “Watershed Rehabilitation”
$1.1 billion for rural community facilities direct loans
$2 billion for rural business and industry guaranteed loans
$2.7 billion for rural water and waste dispoal direct loans
$22.1 billion for rural housing insurance fund loans
$2.8 billion for loans to spur rural broadband
$150 million for emergency food assistance
$50 million for regional economic development commissions
$1 billion for “Periodic Censuses and Programs”
$350 million for State Broadband Data and Development Grants

$1.8 billion for Rural Broadband Deployment Grants
$1 billion for Rural Wireless Deployment Grants
$650 million for Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program
$100 million for “Scientific and Technical Research and Services” at the National Institute of Standards And Technology
$30 million for necessary expenses of the “Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership”
$300 million for a competitive construction grant program for research science buildings
$400 million for “habitat restoration and mitigation activities” at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
$600 million for “accelerating satellite development and acquisition”
$140 million for “climate data modeling”
$3 billion for state and local law enforcement grants
$1 billion for “Community Oriented Policing Services”
$250 million for “accelerating the development of the tier 1 set of Earth science climate research missions recommended by the National Academies Decadal Survey.”
$50 million for repairs to NASA facilities from storm damage
$300 million for “Major Research Insrumentation program” (science)
$200 million for “academic research facilities modernization”
$100 million for “Education and Human Resources”
$400 million for “Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction”

$4.5 billion to make military facilities more energy efficient
$1.5 billion for Army Operation and Maintenance fund
$624 million for Navy Operation and Maintenance
$128 million for Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance
$1.23 billion for Air Force Operation and Maintenance
$454 million to “Defense Health Program”
$110 million for Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance
$62 million for Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance
$45 million for Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$14 million for Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance
$302 million for National Guard Operation and Maintenance
$29 million for Air National Guard Operation and Maintenance
$350 million for military energy research and development programs
$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers “Construction”
$250 million for “Mississippi River and Tributaries”
$2.2 billion for Army Corps “Operation and Maintenance”
$25 million for an Army Corps “Regulatory Program”
$126 million for Interior Department “water reclamation and reuse projects”
$80 million for “rural water projects”

$18.5 billion for “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy” research in the Department of Energy. That money includes:
$2 billion for development of advanced batteries
$800 million of that is for biomass research and $400 million for geothermal technologies
$1 billion in grants to “institutional entities for energy sustainability and efficiency”
$6.2 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program
$3.5 billion for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants

$3.4 billion for state energy programs
$200 million for expenses to implement energy independence programs
$300 million for expenses to implement Energy efficient appliance rebate programs including the Energy Star program
$400 million for expenses to implement Alternative Fuel Vehicle and Infrastructure Grants to States and Local Governments
$1 billion for expenses necessary for advanced battery manufacturing
$4.5 billion to modernize the nation’s electricity grid
$1 billion for the Advanced Battery Loan Guarantee Program
$2.4 billion to demonstrate “carbon capture and sequestration technologies”

$400 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (Science)
$500 million for “Defense Environmental Cleanup”
$1 billion for construction and repair of border facilities and land ports of entry
$6 billion for energy efficiency projects on government buildings
$600 million to buy and lease government plug-in and alternative fuel vehicles
$426 million in small business loans
$100 million for “non-intrusive detection technology to be deployed at sea ports of entry

$150 million for repair and construction at land border ports of entry
$500 million for explosive detection systems for aviation security
$150 million for alteration or removal of obstructive bridges
$200 million for FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter program
$325 million for Interior Department road, bridge and trail repair projects
$300 million for road and bridge work in Wildlife Refuges and Fish Hatcheries
$1.7 billion for “critical deferred maintenance” in the National Park System
$200 million to revitalize the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
$100 million for National Park Service Centennial Challenge programs

$200 million for repair of U.S. Geological Survey facilities
$500 million for repair and replacement of schools, jails, roads, bridges, housing and more for Bureau of Indian Affairs
$800 million for Superfund programs
$200 million for leaking underground storage tank cleanup
$8.4 billion in “State and Tribal Assistance Grants”
$650 million in “Capital Improvement and Maintenance” at the Agriculture Dept.
$850 million for “Wildland Fire Management”
$550 million for Indian Health facilties
$150 million for deferred maintenance at the Smithsonian museums
$50 million in grants to fund “arts projects and activities which preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn” through the National Endowment for the Arts

$1.2 billion in grants to states for youth summer jobs programs and other activities
$1 billion for states in dislocated worker employment and training activities
$500 million for the dislocated workers assistance national reserve
$80 million for the enforcement of worker protection laws and regulations related to infrastructure and unemployment insurance investments
$300 million for “construction, rehabilitation and acquisition of Job Corps Centers”

$250 million for public health centers
$1 billion for renovation and repair of health centers
$600 million for nurse, physician and dentist training
$462 million for renovation work at the Centers for Disease Control
$1.5 billion for “National Center for Research Resources”
$500 million for “Buildlings and Facilties” at the National Institutes of Health in suburban Washington, D.C.

$700 million for “comparative effectiveness research” on prescription drugs
$1 billion for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
$2 billion in Child Care and Development Block Grants for states
$1 billion for Head Start programs
$1.1 billion for Early Head Start programs
$100 million for Social Security research programs
$200 million for “Aging Services Programs”
$2 billion for “Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology”
$430 million for public health/social services emergency funds
$2.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control for a variety of programs
$5.5 billion in targeted education grants
$5.5 billion in “education finance incentive grants”
$2 billion in “school improvement grants”
$13.6 billion for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
$250 million for statewide education data systems
$14 billion for school modernization, renovation and repair
$160 million for AmeriCorps grants
$400 million for the construction and costs to establish a new “National Computer Center” for the Social Security Administration
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Well-Known Member

$500 million to improve processing of disability and retirement claims
$920 million for Army housing and child development centers
$350 million for Navy and Marine Corps housing and child development centers
$280 million in Air Force housing and child development centers
$3.75 billion in military hospital and surgery center construction
$140 million in Army National Guard construction projects
$70 million in Air National Guard construction projects
$100 million in Army Reserve construction projects
$30 million in Navy Reserve construction projects
$60 million in Air Force Reserve construction projects
$950 million for VA Medical Facilities

$50 million for repairs for military cemeteries
$120 million for a backup information management facility for the State Department
$98 million for National Cybersecurity Initiative
$3 billion for “Grants-in-Aid for Airports”
$300 million for Indian Reservation roads
$300 million for Amtrak capital needs
$800 million for national railroad assets or infrastructure repairs, upgrades
$5.4 billion in federal transit grants
$2 billion in infrastructure development for subways and commuter railways

$5 billion for public housing capital
$1 billion in competitive housing grants
$2.5 billion for energy efficiency upgrades in public housing
$500 million in Native American Housing Block Grants
$4.1 billion to help communities deal with foreclosed homes
$1.5 billion in homeless prevention activities
$79 billion in education funds for states


Explain why that item is pork.

You're kidding right. Country has a little thing called a recession going on. when facing a recession most businesses cut or delay all unnecessary spending. Another route government could have gone is to follow a sensible business model. Cut all except the most vital spending and return more money to the taxpayers. A big chunk of this 44 million will be spent to reform the department to Tom Vilcheks specifications including the remodeling of his office and his staffs offices. Vilchek supports hillary in the campaign. Obama buys hillary and her staffs support by offering them cushy jobs in his administration. He then plugs in 44 million dollars for Vilchek to build his plush empire.

think man think!!!!


Moody’s estimates that every dollar of federal fiscal relief that is used to avert state budget cuts increases economic activity by $1.38.

The problem is its not sustainable economic activity. Once obama maxes out the credit card the economic activity stops.


Good lord, what's wrong with these educated people don't they like PORK?

Whooaaahhh! hold your horses there. The great and powerful O said there was NO pork. He said it so it MUST be true.:wink2:

I just love the drones that follow their O like rats after cheese.
He's going to save us all!!!!!
Mark my words, he, and his band of liberal fools are going to be the downfall of this country. Tax Tax Tax.....SPEND SPEND SPEND. So damn good at spending other peoples money. It WILL drive many businesses to close up for good. How is that good for the economy?


Well-Known Member
Nothing is more natural than that a nation, after making sure that a great enterprise will profit the community, should have such an enterprise carried out with funds collected from the citizenry. But I lose patience completely, I confess, when I hear alleged in support of such a resolution this economic fallacy: "Besides, it is a way of creating jobs for the workers."

The state opens a road, builds a palace, repairs a street, digs a canal; with these projects it gives jobs to certain workers. That is what is seen. But it deprives certain other laborers of employment. That is what is not seen.

Suppose a road is under construction. A thousand laborers arrive every morning, go home every evening, and receive their wages; that is certain. If the road had not been authorized, if funds for it had not been voted, these good people would have neither found this work nor earned these wages; that again is certain.

For the process to be complete, does not the state have to organize the collection of funds as well as their expenditure? Does it not have to get its tax collectors into the country and its taxpayers to make their contribution?

Study the question, then, from its two aspects. In noting what the state is going to do with the millions of francs voted, do not neglect to note also what the taxpayers would have done—and can no longer do—with these same millions. You see, then, that a public enterprise is a coin with two sides. On one, the figure of a busy worker, with this device: What is seen; on the other, an unemployed worker, with this device: What is not seen.

From an 1850' pamphlet published by Frederic Bastiat entitled "What is Seen and What is not Seen"


Staff member
I can't believe he's going to sign it. He promised during his campaign he wouldn't sign a stimulus bill with earmarks! (OK, I do believe it. He has already shown himself to be dishonest).

And then he blames it on Bush! How convenient! When will Obama take responsibility for his (and Bills) administration?



golden ticket member
So much for the line item veto he promised. He's a liar just like all the rest of the politicians. That idiot is making sure he doesn't see an extra 4 years.
Hussein Out !!:biting:


Staff member
1,419 days 23 hours 33 minutes.

Not that I'm counting...... I don't have to, I have a countdown clock on my desktop!


Well-Known Member
Where is the administraion today? We need certainty in the markets. Obama is allowing equities to go through the floor. The first thing we need is clarity and optimism to create jobs and recover the economy.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe he's going to sign it. He promised during his campaign he wouldn't sign a stimulus bill with earmarks! (OK, I do believe it. He has already shown himself to be dishonest).

And then he blames it on Bush! How convenient! When will Obama take responsibility for his (and Bills) administration?


Well, it is part of the plan.

We're all in for a hurting. At least it won't be emotional for me as I wasn't one of the ones ******* Obama's ****, and believing in the pot of gold(with our money in it) at the end of the pretty rainbow.
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Well-Known Member
Where is the administraion today? We need certainty in the markets. Obama is allowing equities to go through the floor. The first thing we need is clarity and optimism to create jobs and recover the economy.

If he(or who ever is pulling his strings) gave a crap about fixing it, he wouldn't be signing and proposing these spending bills.
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Well-Known Member
Well, it is part of the plan.

We're all in for a hurting. At least it won't be emotional for me as I wasn't one of the ones ******* Obama's ****, and believing in the pot of gold(with our money in it) at the end of the pretty rainbow.

Mentioning sucking someone's member and summing it up with a pretty rainbow :wub: , one can draw their own conclusions with that statement...nuff said....though you do owe Cheryl an apology for crossing the line on her site.
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Well-Known Member
Mentioning sucking someone's member and summing it up with a pretty rainbow :wub: , one can draw their own conclusions with that statement...nuff said....though you do owe Cheryl an apology for crossing the line on her site.

What's that?

Oh, that was the point flying over your head.