

Well-Known Member

Here's a great interview with Thomas Woods, author of Meltdown, over at Inside Catholic.com

The questions were excellent and more important, the interviewer allowed Woods to really answer each and every one.

Woods also wrote this over at The American Conservative about the Federal Reserve and our economic ills as they relate to the fed!

Hope you enjoy both pieces!


Well-Known Member
And the wardrums continue to be beaten but I guess instead of European style beats on 2 & 4, we have the African style on beats 1 & 3 now.

Maybe that's the change they were talking about.

I'd just like for someone to play them using the backbeat. At least then on syncopation alone it would be a real change!



Staff member
I've never doubted the fundamentals of the US economy. I bought stocks all the way through the Bush administration and you can bet yer ass that I'm buying now. It's practically a fire sale as far I'm concerned, the same stocks that I was willing to pay full price for 18 months ago are now selling for 50% off. I'm dumping every penny I can into the market.

I think Bush's problem was that he came off as someone who didn't know what was going on, rather than someone who was on top of the situation and in a position to reassure people that everything was going to be ok. I think it was around the same time that he expressed surprise that gas was pushing 5$ a gallon, and there was a perception forming that he was kind of out of it on the economic front. Perception matters a lot. I didn't see Obama's photo op so I really can't comment, except to say that I don't think that our government really has much control over the economy, it's more cyclical than anything. The best our elected officials can do is to look busy and hope things improve during their tenure so they can take credit for it.


Well-Known Member
Almost as threatening as the great Persian Gulf battle known as the "Assault of the Iranian Bass Boats!"


Nothing ever really changes does it folks!


You can give it but you can't take it. As many are aware, you have to be cencored by Cheryl and the moderaters here in BC's "Current Events" when you are challenged for spreading mis-information and bad mouthing those who disagree. Expect to be challenged, as long as you spew your hatefully inspired garbage. Respect others who disagree with you and maybe you'll get the same treatment back. But as long as you gonna act like a hack, expect to be treated like one...nuff said

Back on topic:
Given the fact that these "economist" didn't see this crash coming, I am less than impressed with their forecasting talents.

Whatever you say there big boy. You are the one consistently taking jabs at people like the smug person you are. You always have some degrading remark about anyone that disagrees with you so your comment makes no sense. The only time I bad mouthed you was when you did it to me unprovoked. I won't sit here and let you act like the bully you think you are. So keep doing your thing. Time to put you on ignore so I won't have to see the crap you spew. Go ahead and cry to a mod again. Just shows what kind of little man you really are.


Well-Known Member
Seems now President Obama is even protecting torture positions of the former Bush adminstration but why when you consider it's campaign rhetoric on the US war position? I'm still waiting for democrats who now overwhelmingly control Congress to repeal the "evil" Patriot Act they so vocally called as wrong back in the day. Oh but wait, that was myth, myth and myth if you just look at all the democrat names listed. The opposition in truth were few in numbers and based on the panic and hysteria frothed up by a willing cabal, never really had any chance of bringing a balance and rationale to the discussion on how to proceed going forward. Now it seems to me that the new adminstration is just another repeat of the famous chorus, " Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!"

Funny how perfectly the shoe fits when it's slipped onto the other foot!

Why jump :taz: all over this so soon WKMAC, let cooler heads prevail and build a solid no-lose case...Let's wait till Seymour Hirsh's book is published and the Truth Commission gains support.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann - The Official Web site Countdown with Keith Olbermann

That being true, then should these same economists and their actions in gov't be audited with full transparency so we know what happened and thus can properly determine a course forward?

I look forward to reading your public declaration in support of HR 1207 and especially in light of your many public declarations that enough oversight and regulation was lacking that caused this mess. If the Federal Reserve is the principle engine of money and credit, would this not seem the most logical place to start?

I'm all about transparency wkmac, but I reserve judgment, but before I lay my cards on the table I need to read a little about the pro's and con's and their ramifications cause frankly, I think your throwing at me a softball size trick question.....:happy-very:

Almost as threatening as the great Persian Gulf battle known as the "Assault of the Iranian Bass Boats!"

Nothing ever really changes does it folks!

And the wardrums continue to be beaten but I guess instead of European style beats on 2 & 4, we have the African style on beats 1 & 3 now.

Maybe that's the change they were talking about.

I'd just like for someone to play them using the backbeat. At least then on syncopation alone it would be a real change!



International waters or not? Who knows? I mean according to China's neighbors, they have no claim to those waters neither. We knew who the bullies are in the East just as we are to the West. Each side and media have their own stories less the details. When the story first came out thru the media, I was picturing a mighty Chinese Navy Vessel armed to the T. We can't blame the US Navy for getting pissed when confronted with small boats (Remember the USS Cole) but I think maybe the US Navy press corps over reacts when "Bass Boats" impedes their path and they have to alter their course or mission plotting or who knows off the coast of China. This happens to GreenPeace @ Save the Whale Boats everyday. I'm sure it's s.o.p to send an escort to the area, flex our "big guns" when an incident has occured. I'm sure this will be old news in a day or two. Guess you have a right to amplify this incident as another Bush/Obama one in the same conspiracy theory...I just don't think it's such a big deal :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Whatever you say there big boy. You are the one consistently taking jabs at people like the smug person you are. You always have some degrading remark about anyone that disagrees with you so your comment makes no sense. The only time I bad mouthed you was when you did it to me unprovoked. I won't sit here and let you act like the bully you think you are. So keep doing your thing. Time to put you on ignore so I won't have to see the crap you spew. Go ahead and cry to a mod again. Just shows what kind of little man you really are.

Imagine that, the one who advertises bully messages thru his avatar and his signature line slamming others for being bullies.....:rofl:

BTW...I wish you would PM all the Mods and ask if I cried to them, I think you would be dissappointed to find out they don't need any help with cencorship from those who break the terms of agreement.


Well-Known Member
Why jump :taz: all over this so soon WKMAC, let cooler heads prevail and build a solid no-lose case...Let's wait till Seymour Hirsh's book is published and the Truth Commission gains support.

Did you see the bomb Hersch dropped up in Minn. concerning Special Ops killing squads under direct command of Cheney himself? Considering the coup history of our CIA and it's own special ops arm, is this really beyond the pale? Or do we just look at movies like Oliver Stone's JFK and the infamous "Mr. X" character (Donald Sutherland) and write that off in the same manner that we should correctly write off the obvious fiction of the Da Vinci Code. I saw your comment about the movie, a great who done it movie! But in the case of Mr X would it surprise anyone to learn that Mr. X character actually was a real person in the whole JFK history and what he said was from true personal experience? I mean if the CIA via coup can help Saddam into power by way of the Baath party or that they can overthrow a democratically elected leader of Iran at the behest of the British empire over it's own oil interests, then why is it hard to even consider what Hersch alleges might have some truth behind it. We sucked up Jack Ryan and Ritter's Special Ops death squads in Columbia via Clancey's "Clear and Present Danger" so why the fear to realize Clancey uses elements of truth to entertain us?

With all that known historical background, do we dare ignore that Hersch isn't onto something? If so, Cheney wasn't alone and many of those same characters may be pulling strings as we speak. Some even pretend to be friends while still manipulating events for their own ends. But the real ticking timebomb may not even come from our own gov't but rather from a gov't that has been yanking our chain almost since we defeated them on the field of battle nearly 250 years ago and for the last 100 years it's been our blood shed to protect their interests and Middle East policies including the Palestinian Mandate. Truth is, your Ceasar is probably not a bad sort. I dislike his approach to the political, social and economic as we differ philosophically but unlike others here, I don't consider him alone some type of boogeyman. However, like the Ceasar's of old, this one is surrounded by enemies who have his ear and he seems poised to follow a well worn trail of error!

Now that all said, talk about the "WOW" factor if there turns out to be even a nibble of meat on Hersch's bone!

As for the rest, once you understand Washington DC is it's own machine no matter who the President is then the rest is gravy! Besides, it's fun to point the hypocrisy of bothsides while the machine stays in the middle playing the ever perfect puppetmaster. I figure either way, one side or the other dominates the landscape so I'm screwed either way. Therefore why not do what anarchist do and throw bombs, what do I have to lose and one thing about it, it may not be publically admitted but I'll bet some of my bombs have caused some people to stop and think for a moment and it's that thinking part that is my motive in all of this.

Once the public begins to think, questions will arise, lies will be told to cover the tracks and the public will more and more see through those lies and then the power of the State will truly begin to slip away because it's most powerful weapon of trust will be seen to be the empty, worthless gun it really is.


From 2006' to 2010', the United States will spend between $3 and $4 trillion dollars on defense alone


and much of that money will go to private business concerns for everything from weapons to ammo to soap and toilet paper. With that kind of money just being spent in a 5 year period, fortunes are made when that kind of money is spent. That kind of money also demands access and influence in order to maintain one's fortune and profitable bottomline. The only way to keep the money flowing is to convince elected officials and the public a threat exists and when one threat disappears (international communism) a new threat (international islamofascism) must take it's place. When part of that new threat in the form of Al Qaeda doesn't cooperate with new fresh attacks since 9/11 (our guys actually did a better job than expected (or the machine wanted) in making al Qaeda into nothing more that a type of Micheal Moore video production company :happy-very:) they are now forced to come up with new enemies in order to justify keeping the dollars rolling. With that kind of money at stake, what would some people resort to in order to protect that golden egg from going anywhere? When lots of money is involved, people will do almost anything including very desperate acts of evil.

You want Obama to make real changes, it's going to take real grassroots pressures especially from his own party and voters so he'll know he has strength in numbers to stand up to what he's having to face right now. While you sit on your hands "giving the man a chance" he's in a losing headlock believing he's alone so like others before him, he'll give in and follow the machine. Oh sure, you'll get some crumbs to think you've scored like the repubs. got their tax cuts but when the 8 years was up and the tab came do, what was the real cost? Republicans are wandering the landscape right now singing the Verison song, "Can you hear me now?" :happy-very::happy-very::happy-very:

For the moment, I'm willing to give you and your guy the benefit of doubt so you're 50 days into a 4 year if not an 8 year stretch so the longer you sit the worse it will get. Don't make the mistake we did with Reagan and take the rose colored glasses off to late! I'm telling you, I've seen this con job before from the other side of the political street so don't make our same mistake!
