Lue C Fur
Evil member
Just listen to the BS put out by the Obama Chicago mafia:
Obama Admin Disinformation Campaign on Libya - YouTube
Obama Admin Disinformation Campaign on Libya - YouTube
Of course she takes responsibility, it's her Department, and in the end, her responsibility.
The only crassness I see in the whole affair is the shameless politicizing of it. So far a SEALS family and the ambassador's family have both told the R/R campaign to shut up. Doherty's family and friends even said he remarked on how phoney Romney seemed.
Anne's worried about his mental state, he's had odd behavior in the past (impersonating police, bullying someone he thought was gay, driving with dog on roof). The mendacity he exhibits is really amazing. Why some think he should be leader of the free world really has me stumped.
She takes the fall and Obama doesn't get the when is it set for prez. to fire her ass? Her bid for prez. in 2016 is down the toilet now !! Bill can't be pleased with this. She did this while in Peru!
Of course she takes responsibility, it's her Department, and in the end, her responsibility.
The only crassness I see in the whole affair is the shameless politicizing of it. So far a SEALS family and the ambassador's family have both told the R/R campaign to shut up. Doherty's family and friends even said he remarked on how phoney Romney seemed.
Anne's worried about his mental state, he's had odd behavior in the past (impersonating police, bullying someone he thought was gay, driving with dog on roof). The mendacity he exhibits is really amazing. Why some think he should be leader of the free world really has me stumped.
Why is it that a small, nearly insignificant attack that killed a US diplomat and some aids/bodyguards/whatever has gained so much traction in the world of political spin? With claims of malfeasance to dereliction of duty which to be honest may prove true in the end BUT:
Those same folks stomping their feet and crying for blood now all but sat silent when the same evidence thanks to the 911 commission emerged when it was over 3k people killed. Now why is that?
The slow reaction is so non-professional for a killer like Barrack!! Leading from behind. He waits to hear the general consensus
so he knows the effect to his election chances. What a guy!!
Bush isn't president!!! Repeat after me.....B-U-S-H is a non president !!!
It doesn't matter anymore........"O" is destroying us NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!
How long did the present president (Obama) take to respond to the oil spill? Wasn't that 80-or 90 days?
Now is all that counts NOW. Yes, all presidents are *******s is that what you want to hear? The leader of the group is showing his leadership skills NOW!! He's so great!! He's so wonderful!! He can be a cmmunity organizer for your community in Jan. Want him?
But if the actions or reactions are similar if not the same as Bush in regards to both pre and post 911, would you be honest enough now to level the same criticism on the Bush administration as you are now leveling on the Obama administration?
If no, why not?
To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.