Embassy Attacks


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Of course she takes responsibility, it's her Department, and in the end, her responsibility.

The only crassness I see in the whole affair is the shameless politicizing of it. So far a SEALS family and the ambassador's family have both told the R/R campaign to shut up. Doherty's family and friends even said he remarked on how phoney Romney seemed.

Anne's worried about his mental state, he's had odd behavior in the past (impersonating police, bullying someone he thought was gay, driving with dog on roof). The mendacity he exhibits is really amazing. Why some think he should be leader of the free world really has me stumped.


golden ticket member
She takes the fall and Obama doesn't get the blame.....so when is it set for prez. to fire her ass? Her bid for prez. in 2016 is down the toilet now !! Bill can't be pleased with this. She did this while in Peru!

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Of course she takes responsibility, it's her Department, and in the end, her responsibility.

The only crassness I see in the whole affair is the shameless politicizing of it. So far a SEALS family and the ambassador's family have both told the R/R campaign to shut up. Doherty's family and friends even said he remarked on how phoney Romney seemed.

Anne's worried about his mental state, he's had odd behavior in the past (impersonating police, bullying someone he thought was gay, driving with dog on roof). The mendacity he exhibits is really amazing. Why some think he should be leader of the free world really has me stumped.

Actually it is not her responsibilty.


She takes the fall and Obama doesn't get the blame.....so when is it set for prez. to fire her ass? Her bid for prez. in 2016 is down the toilet now !! Bill can't be pleased with this. She did this while in Peru!

Funny how the White House wanted to get details of the Osama raid out the very next morning, but the american people can't get any details about Libya???


Of course she takes responsibility, it's her Department, and in the end, her responsibility.

The only crassness I see in the whole affair is the shameless politicizing of it. So far a SEALS family and the ambassador's family have both told the R/R campaign to shut up. Doherty's family and friends even said he remarked on how phoney Romney seemed.

Anne's worried about his mental state, he's had odd behavior in the past (impersonating police, bullying someone he thought was gay, driving with dog on roof). The mendacity he exhibits is really amazing. Why some think he should be leader of the free world really has me stumped.

United States Secretary of State
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States
Secretary of State


Hillary Rodham Clinton

since January 21, 2009

The United States Secretary of State is the head of the United States Department of State, concerned with foreign affairs. The Secretary is a member of the Cabinet and the highest-ranking cabinet secretary both in line of succession and order of precedence. The current Secretary of State is Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th person, and third woman to hold the post. The specific duties of the Secretary of State include:[SUP][2][/SUP]

  • Organizes and supervises the entire United States Department of State and the United States Foreign Service.
  • Advises the President on matters relating to U.S. foreign policy, including the appointment of diplomatic representatives to other nations, and on the acceptance or dismissal of representatives from other nations.
  • Participates in high-level negotiations with other countries, either bilaterally or as part of an international conference or organization, or appoints representatives to do so. This includes the negotiation of international treaties and other agreements.
  • Responsible for overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government overseas.
  • Providing information and services to U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad, including providing credentials in the form of passports and visas.
  • Supervises the United States immigration policy abroad.
  • Communicates issues relating the United States foreign policy to Congress and to U.S. citizens.
The original duties of the Secretary of State include some domestic duties, such as:[SUP][3][/SUP]

  • Receipt, publication, distribution, and preservation of the laws of the United States
  • Preparation, sealing, and recording of the commissions of Presidential appointees
  • Preparation and authentication of copies of records and authentication of copies under the Department's seal
  • Custody of the Great Seal of the United States
  • Custody of the records of the former Secretary of the Continental Congress, except for those of the Treasury and War Departments
Most of the domestic functions of the Department of State have been transferred to other agencies. Those that remain include storage and use of the Great Seal of the United States, performance of protocol functions for the White House, and the drafting of certain proclamations. The Secretary also negotiates with the individual States over the extradition of fugitives to foreign countries.[SUP][2][/SUP] Under Federal Law [SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP], the resignation of a President or of a Vice-President is only valid if declared in writing, in an instrument delivered to the office of the Secretary of State. Accordingly, the resignations of President Nixon and of Vice-President Spiro Agnew, domestic issues, were formalized in instruments delivered to the Secretary of State.
As the highest-ranking member of the cabinet, the Secretary of State is the third-highest official of the executive branch of the Federal Government of the United States, after the President and Vice President and is fourth in line to succeed the Presidency, coming after the Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President pro tempore of the Senate. Six Secretaries of State have gone on to be elected President.
As the head of the United States Foreign Service, the Secretary of State is responsible for management of the diplomatic service of the United States. The foreign service employs about 12,000 people domestically and internationally, and supports 265 United States diplomatic missions around the world, including ambassadors to various nations.

Security is not in the job description...That falls on the Prez.


I say play on...I cant believe she would commit career suicide for Obama...when he is gonna lose anyways. You know the cover-up is always uglier than the actual wrong doing. they were hoping to push this pass the election, but they are seeing it blow up in their faces. What a win for Reps...beat Obama and knockout the Dems prez nominee in 2016.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that a small, nearly insignificant attack that killed a US diplomat and some aids/bodyguards/whatever has gained so much traction in the world of political spin? With claims of malfeasance to dereliction of duty which to be honest may prove true in the end BUT:

Those same folks stomping their feet and crying for blood now all but sat silent when the same evidence thanks to the 911 commission emerged when it was over 3k people killed. Now why is that?


golden ticket member
Why is it that a small, nearly insignificant attack that killed a US diplomat and some aids/bodyguards/whatever has gained so much traction in the world of political spin? With claims of malfeasance to dereliction of duty which to be honest may prove true in the end BUT:

Those same folks stomping their feet and crying for blood now all but sat silent when the same evidence thanks to the 911 commission emerged when it was over 3k people killed. Now why is that?

The slow reaction is so non-professional for a killer like Barrack!! Leading from behind. He waits to hear the general consensus
so he knows the effect to his election chances. What a guy!!


Well-Known Member
The slow reaction is so non-professional for a killer like Barrack!! Leading from behind. He waits to hear the general consensus
so he knows the effect to his election chances. What a guy!!

But if the actions or reactions are similar if not the same as Bush in regards to both pre and post 911, would you be honest enough now to level the same criticism on the Bush administration as you are now leveling on the Obama administration?

If no, why not?


golden ticket member
Bush isn't president!!! Repeat after me.....B-U-S-H is a non president !!!

It doesn't matter anymore........"O" is destroying us NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!
How long did the present president (Obama) take to respond to the oil spill? Wasn't that 80-or 90 days?

Now is all that counts NOW. Yes, all presidents are *******s is that what you want to hear? The leader of the group is showing his leadership skills NOW!! He's so great!! He's so wonderful!! He can be a cmmunity organizer for your community in Jan. Want him?


Well-Known Member
Bush isn't president!!! Repeat after me.....B-U-S-H is a non president !!!

It doesn't matter anymore........"O" is destroying us NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!
How long did the present president (Obama) take to respond to the oil spill? Wasn't that 80-or 90 days?

Now is all that counts NOW. Yes, all presidents are *******s is that what you want to hear? The leader of the group is showing his leadership skills NOW!! He's so great!! He's so wonderful!! He can be a cmmunity organizer for your community in Jan. Want him?



Well-Known Member
Seems alot of people missing the boat. Hillary accepted responsability for the thousands of people in the State Department--she did not accept any blame.

Said the blame was on "security professionals" that make the decisions ????

Also wkmac--mixing apples and oranges. Failure to follow up on information --both guilty.

Do not remember a "coverup" by past admin. Also key word PAST.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.


But if the actions or reactions are similar if not the same as Bush in regards to both pre and post 911, would you be honest enough now to level the same criticism on the Bush administration as you are now leveling on the Obama administration?

If no, why not?

You forget who passed on getting Osama...(Bill Clinton)

Lue C Fur

Evil member

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.

Huge Fail. NYtimes is the most Liberal newspaper out there and is so in the tank for your Messiah. I guess the rest of the Lamestream media that NOW has to report what happened is something your still missing???


golden ticket member
Barrack thinks assigning blame or responsibility to one person gets him off the hook.......it only makes us more suspicious!!