Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
You see, it doesn't matter. Your side is losing and can't get any traction. I'm giving you a simple assessment of why. Week to week you hang your hopes on a new attack and by week's end when it fails, all you are left with is yet another frenzied attempt to smear a president you've always hated with truth or fiction. Keep throwing the crap against the wall and see what sticks. Hurry though. Your time is running out.
---1. It's not over--- 2. You don't know what I hang my hopes on.---- 3 I don't hate Obama, I hate his bad policies that are not working.---So in reference to this thread how do you think the Obama administration handled the attack on the Embassy??------ LETS HOPE THERE ARE NO MORE DISASTERS FOR OBAMA BEFORE NOVEMBER 6TH....LMAO!!!


Strength through joy
The New York Times reported yesterday that the Obama administration is preparing an operation to “kill or capture militants” involved in the Benghazi attack resulting in the murder of our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. According to the Times, the Joint Special Operations Command is putting together “so-called target packages of detailed information about the suspects.” These files are a coordinated project with the CIA and the Pentagon.

So much for an October surprise , another mission failure seen coming. But his time our service men could be killed.


Engorged Member
The New York Times reported yesterday that the Obama administration is preparing an operation to “kill or capture militants” involved in the Benghazi attack resulting in the murder of our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. According to the Times, the Joint Special Operations Command is putting together “so-called target packages of detailed information about the suspects.” These files are a coordinated project with the CIA and the Pentagon.

So much for an October surprise , another mission failure seen coming. But his time our service men could be killed.

You folks are grasping at straws to try and get anything that makes Obama look bad. Never mind that he's been picking-off terrorists left and right, got Bin Laden, and has the bad guys on the run all over the world. Oh, and remember the 3 guys in the boat holding the captain of the Maersk ship off Somalia? Ask them about "mission failure". Oh...you can't, because our SEALS blew their heads off. On direct orders from Obama.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Dont look now but its getting worse for Nobama...now the Lamestream media is reporting bad news for the Messiah and his inept administration:


U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens wanted a Security Support Team, made up of 16 special operations soldiers, to stay with him in Libya after their deployment was scheduled to end in August, the commander of that security team told ABC News.
The embassy staff's "first choice was for us to stay," Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, 55, told ABC News in an interview. "That would have been the choice of the embassy people in Tripoli."


Staff member
Dont look now but its getting worse for Nobama...now the Lamestream media is reporting bad news for the Messiah and his inept administration:


U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens wanted a Security Support Team, made up of 16 special operations soldiers, to stay with him in Libya after their deployment was scheduled to end in August, the commander of that security team told ABC News.
The embassy staff's "first choice was for us to stay," Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, 55, told ABC News in an interview. "That would have been the choice of the embassy people in Tripoli."
This is interesting. Two weeks ago, the right was bashing the dead ambassador and his "apology". Now he's their hero?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
More lies and BS comming from Barrys inept administration:
The State Department denied Tuesday it ever concluded that the deadly consulate attack Sept. 11 in Libya was an unplanned outburst prompted by an anti-Islam movie, despite public statements early on by some in the Obama administration suggesting that was the case.
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., reacting Wednesday to the latest claims, said he's just "at a loss" for why administration officials ever tried to connect the attack to the film in the first place.
"From the very beginning, everyone knew this was a terrorist attack. I mean, there's no question, and that's why this has been totally bizarre," said Corker, who recently returned from Libya.
The Obama administration used the film explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. Most notably, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said in several TV interviews five days after the attack that it appeared to be "spontaneous" violence spinning out of protests of the film.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland backed up Rice's statements in a press briefing a day later: "I would simply say that ... the comments that Ambassador Rice made accurately reflect our government's initial assessment."
State Department denies concluding film sparked consulate attack in Libya
Read more: State Department denies concluding film sparked consulate attack in Libya | Fox News


Strength through joy
Haven't you heard the funds meant for security were used to supply other embassy stations with Volt cars .
After all the Volt is more important to bhos image than a few armed guards.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Haven't you heard the funds meant for security were used to supply other embassy stations with Volt cars .
After all the Volt is more important to bhos image than a few armed guards.

Your ignorance is amazing. How many State Dept people in 'hot' zones do you know?

Get out of the way, as Joe said...


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
And your ignorance is normal for a Libretard:

Embassies Facing Security Cuts Waste Money on Chevy Volts | National Legal and Policy Center

Evidently I'm not smoking whatever is available in Satan's Hollow.

Answer the question: How many high ranking State Dept people that serve in hot zones have you spoken to? Do you have any understanding at all of how things work on an international level within the State Dept?

Are you just the voice of The Great Deceiver? It would seem so. I can't imagine anyone else so blind to reality.


Well-Known Member
FTC raises pressure on Google with antitrust probe

The Federal Trade Commission is raising the ante in its antitrust confrontation with Google with the commission
staff preparing a recommendation that the government sue the search giant.

The government's escalating pursuit of Google is the most far-reaching antitrust investigation of a corporation
since the landmark federal case against Microsoft in the late 1990s.

Hmmmm..........wonder if they (Google) would have taken "the video" off as the Obama administration "requested" that this would have not been persued. nahhhh

NYT: FTC ups ante in Google antitrust probe - Business - US business - The New York Times | NBC News


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Evidently I'm not smoking whatever is available in Satan's Hollow.
Maybe you should give it a try...cause the crap you smoke must be the same crap the rest of the Libretards smoke...and its fried their brains.

Answer the question: How many high ranking State Dept people that serve in hot zones have you spoken to? Do you have any understanding at all of how things work on an international level within the State Dept?
How many have you spoken to? Since your and expert....LMAO...oh wait...YOUR NOT!!! LMAO!!!!

Are you just the voice of The Great Deceiver? It would seem so. I can't imagine anyone else so blind to reality.
And you must be in Denial or blind...or is it MrFedex? Ding ding!!!


cut em some slack...dont you get your news from comedy central too. Thats why Biden had the giggles during the debate.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
So Hillary took one for the team on the eve of the debates. This stinks so bad that even the Lamestream media has to report on it. I guess Hillary figures here goal of becoming the first woman president has went down the crapper. I bet she takes 3 Ambien to get to sleep every night cause her concience has to be really eating here up.

