employee hotline number


Well-Known Member
"Hoser, is that you Dannyboy?"

Nope. Not a chance.

Over, why do you believe "Nope. Not a chance"? Dannyboy's last post was sometime in Sept, and this Hoser joined in Sept and already has 500+ posts. Nobody on the planet posted more than Dannyboy and this new Hoser is runner-up if not in first place now in most post per day. Besides, when I posed the question, Hoser has yet to deny it. Unless, of course YOU are Hoser in disguise :confused:1


Staff member
I guess I say 'not a chance' because I know Danny pretty well, and it never even occurred to me that Hoser was him. I think I would easily recognize his posting style, and Hoser aint it!


golden ticket member
This sounds like that old, old show...To Tell The Truth....

"My name is Hoser"
"No, my name is hoser."
"My name is hoser."

Will the real Hoser please stand up.


New Member
If folks hate their jobs and the people they work with as much as you all claim to then why the heck to you still work at UPS? If you got a problem with your boss go talk to him. If that doesn't work talk to his boss...talk to HR...calling the 800 number does get some issues resolved. It's there for a reason and works when used properly. UPS is not heaven but it sure as heck ain't HELL.


Well-Known Member
I called it one time before and it got results in one day. A mechanic in my shop was working his 7'th day and he was getting paid straight time eveytime he did it. This went on for 2 month's the supervisors were not at fault they kept e-mailing payroll, even calling payroll didn't work. So my manager of all people grabbed me aside and told me as the chief steward to call the 800 line. He told me to tell them the problem and what payroll was doing. I called that night and told them what was going on and the first thing they asked was did I try to work this out with my management team first. I said yes and also told them that my supervisor's have nothing to do with our pay. When we approve our time card's it goes directly to payroll. I gave them my name and what building I am from and they gave me a call # and said i would hear a answer in 3 day's. The next day the issue was resolved and the mechanic had a check next day aired to his house for almost $2800. So I have no complaint's about it


Well-Known Member
"If the company would do what it is supposed to do, the contract book would only be about 10 pages long." (covering pay raises, vacations, etc.).
How many times have I heard this in 28+ years?

If the company would do what it's supposed to, the company wouldn't need an "employee hotline".

For those of you who think we don't need a third party (union) to intercede and interdict.........you may want to think again.
It won't be all "lollipops and butterfly kisses" if the union were gone tomorrow.


Trust me... Don't call the hotline. They only use it to track you down. Yes it goes to an outside company, then they forward everything to HR and whomever else they want. The company then proceeds to do a witch-hunt to track you down. Remember, this is a "boys club" company. Currently, most management over level 18 are uneducated truck drivers. They know, without this job, they have nothing. So they pack together like scared pigs and start protecting their own. I witnessed racial harrassment, plus so much more and finally couldn't tolerate it anymore. Once I called the hotline, I knew I was screwed. The management group I reported, started a witch hunt to find me. And find me they did... Trump'd up a bogus charge or two and then thought they had me. Luckly, I document very well.. See they teach that to you at UPS, especially with over 10 years of brown blooded service. Document everything... Trust no one.. Now we are waiting for court.. I will win! They don't know the half of what I have documented yet. They don't know half the evidence I collected.. Recordings... Notebook documentation, Private Investigation photo's, too much to let out yet. But when it does come out.... Brown might have to change its color... Let's just say Rainbow! Not-Straight...A little Corporate Curve!

Before you dial that number... Get your documentation up to date, take notes on everything, get a copy of your file.... Basically get everything you can ready... Because they really don't care about anybody but themselves.


Well-Known Member
And I thought I was disgrunted, you got me beat bad. Thanks for the low down on this employee hotline procedure, not that I would trust enought to use it, let alone any good would come of it. True, one thing you learn real quick is to document, approaches mental sickness to a point if you truly believe that everybody is out to get you. Rather be safe than sorry, so always expect the worse and be surprised by any honesty. The times we live in, I guess?


Industrial Slob
Trust me... Don't call the hotline. They only use it to track you down. Yes it goes to an outside company, then they forward everything to HR and whomever else they want. The company then proceeds to do a witch-hunt to track you down. Remember, this is a "boys club" company. Currently, most management over level 18 are uneducated truck drivers. They know, without this job, they have nothing. So they pack together like scared pigs and start protecting their own. I witnessed racial harrassment, plus so much more and finally couldn't tolerate it anymore. Once I called the hotline, I knew I was screwed. The management group I reported, started a witch hunt to find me. And find me they did... Trump'd up a bogus charge or two and then thought they had me. Luckly, I document very well.. See they teach that to you at UPS, especially with over 10 years of brown blooded service. Document everything... Trust no one.. Now we are waiting for court.. I will win! They don't know the half of what I have documented yet. They don't know half the evidence I collected.. Recordings... Notebook documentation, Private Investigation photo's, too much to let out yet. But when it does come out.... Brown might have to change its color... Let's just say Rainbow! Not-Straight...A little Corporate Curve!

Before you dial that number... Get your documentation up to date, take notes on everything, get a copy of your file.... Basically get everything you can ready... Because they really don't care about anybody but themselves.
i trust an anonymous poster whose even more anonymous by not getting an account. don't you?

of course, you should ASSUME that your privacy is not fully secure (call from a payphone near the centre, at a time that may not compromise your working schedule, etc), but this is really going a bit far.


Well-Known Member
I would be more inclined to believe "avoidbrown" than to not believe him/her.
I have seen the witch hunts and I do agree management will protect their own ............right, wrong or indifferent.
As far as getting an account........get real. I could be parading as a feeder driver all this time and you all wouldn't know any different.
My point is.........
any one can register, get an account and put in a bunch of fictitious info about themselves.
Some people think that "hotline" is just another ruse the company uses to make people think they give a flip when they really don't.

"avoidbrown", Godspeed to you.

PS_ I think we "malcontents" (as some people have called us) are slowly chipping away at the glossy image the public has of the company. At some point the truth will emerge.
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Brown for the cause

schoonerman great post..... I believe education concerning the Employee Dispute Resolution program is the key here.

As you know, UPS has a well-respected, diverse work force, employed in a wide variety of geographical locations and work settings.

But even in the best working relationships, problems can arise. At times, these problems can escalate into disputes if options for resolution are limited.

Many employers, including UPS, have exployed ways to minimize the possibility of an antagonistic and adversarial atmosphere when problems arise in the workplace. The EDR process has proven successful in keeping the lines of communication open even under the most difficult circumstances.

These programs present a number of options designed to afford an employee and the company every opportunity to resolve a problem in a fashion that is reasonable, timely, and fair.

If resolution to an existing issue can't be found even after you've reviewed the issue with your management team, your encouraged to call the 800 number.


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding the EDR is only for non-union hourly people such as clerks.
I knew a clerk that was the focus of a witch hunt. Once the company found out the clerk had an attorney, the EDR and the clerk's job went out the window.


Let me start by saying I wish everything I have been through was not real. But sad to say, I stood up for the right thing, did various steps to get matters resolved, when nothing would get resolved, I called the hotline and the "witch hunt" begun. I didn't want to lose my job, in fact, I was told by the hotline I would be protected. That they would do an investigation. Was I ever wrong... No investigation, just a big heavy brown hand coming down on me. I would be lying if I said I didn't think they would come after me when I dialed the 800#. I figured things would get resolved and the upper management individuals I was charging would slap me around a little, but not to the termination point. But was I ever wrong. First lesson, don't think they won't bite back. They didn't care about the truth, I had broken the "brown silence". They expected me to look the other way and let them have their way with friends, coworkers, people I had grown to consider family.

What happened to the way we were "raised" at brown. We were partners, family, oh so much more. The company is not the same as when it was. Infact, it will never be the same. I listen to them blunder themselves on the earnings report conference calls and realize they don't have a clue on how to run a "public" business. See when they were private, they could do what they wanted. They could Hypo stock @ 90% and telescope out endlessly. Simply waiting for the dividend check to cover the interest payment. And you always knew the dividend would cover the payment, the board was telescoping to. Well those days are long gone! This old generate is drying up the reserve. Look, now they are offering early retirement packages. To the same individuals they just gave 150% stock/salary bonuses for cutting the budgets. Since when was cutting the budget a reward? Don't you setup a budget based upon projects, tasks. The try everything you can to stay under budget.. Think they are looking out for the next generation??!! I could go on forever... Ask yourself how many of you in the next generation will retire with the same stock benefits as the current generation. The generation helping themselves out the door before the retirement age moves up, before the pension is frozen, before the MIP is scalped again.

Yes I post this without disclosing myself... I would love to tell you who I am and what I did for the company I used to love... The company that took a shot at me without any regard for my family and friends. I would love to place names, locations and the whole nine yards. But I know they read this discussion. If they don't they do now... My day will come in court.. When I get to call the witnesses, when I get to recant the situation my friends were subjected to, when I get to point out how they continue to mistreat "partners" simply because they can. Truth is... The generation leaving is mad... They know they screwed up the machine! They wanted the company to be soo much more than the core. They wanted the big name recognition. They wanted to be remembered. Casey never cared about all the things this management group seems important. He only cared about the "real" customer. Not another function, not another analysist, not another competitor. He only cared about the customer...