Employee rights...how can I help?


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True but I don't work in a RTW state. So it might be different there.

I do and it matters not if you are. Just because we have rights, does not mean that the union or employer will honor those rights and act accordingly with those rights. The union used to be a feared entity, not so much anymore.


I'm going to disappoint you.
Well well! Brought on another UPS wife!


In my right to work state experience, what somebody knows about their union rights starts and stops at a combination of two things: Coworkers who care enough to give newbies a heads up that they need to educate themselves on their rights via their contract book, and the individual actually being willing to read it.

Union local meetings and a union BA hanging out before and after the PCM every once in a while are no substitute.
Lol @ Excellent. I needed a project. I'm studying for my real estate license but I feel drawn to causes! I guess once I conquered some of the school policies figure it was time to find another one.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Not what I meant. I mean there may be less union participation because of less membership.

Yep. Not everybody has skin in the game, and those who do are still paying less for representation than those up north. No initiation fees where I am.

You have the same union rights, but the Union machine probably doesn’t run as cohesively as it does up north where locals are better funded and more members feel they have a stake in it.


I'm going to disappoint you.
Yep. Not everybody has skin in the game, and those who do are still paying less for representation than those up north. No initiation fees where I am.

You have the same union rights, but the Union machine probably doesn’t run as cohesively as it does up north where locals are better funded and more members feel they have a stake in it.

It's unfortunate. Well...I'll see what I can rustle up down round these parts. My Papa was a Teamster, it runs in my blood lol

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Thanks so much! I mentioned it to him but he has his plate full so he didn't really give me much feed back. I'll ask him.
I hope I am not reading this correctly.
He is too busy to take a bit of time to help his Daughter understand some things about work?
So, you have to take care of it?
I hope that is not what you were saying.


I'm going to disappoint you.
I hope I am not reading this correctly.
He is too busy to take a bit of time to help his Daughter understand some things about work?
So, you have to take care of it?
I hope that is not what you were saying.
Apologies for not being clear. No. He didn't give me much feed back on when I proposed donating my time to help educate employees in a broader term. The quote you copied was in response to someone saying hubby should have the answers.

He tells anyone working around him what their rights are to degree when applicable and he's definitely informed her in detail.

What The Hawk?

Your daughter needs to get herself a union/contract book. She needs to go to meetings (your hubby does too) and they need to vote for the next contract. I also need to do these things. lol

Do as I say not as I do..lol.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
Well well! Brought on another UPS wife!


In my right to work state experience, what somebody knows about their union rights starts and stops at a combination of two things: Coworkers who care enough to give newbies a heads up that they need to educate themselves on their rights via their contract book, and the individual actually being willing to read it.

Union local meetings and a union BA hanging out before and after the PCM every once in a while are no substitute.

Read the contract. If you do not understand something. Ask your BA. File on every violation.