Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
So instead of investing in education to get these people high paying jobs, we should spend billions on a wall, so they can keep their low paying jobs. Republicans lol.
I thought construction was a higher paying skill. That's what my contractor keeps telling me.


Nine Lives
So instead of investing in education to get these people high paying jobs, we should spend billions on a wall, so they can keep their low paying jobs. Republicans lol.
They already had their chance at education and wasted it or more likely ... unable to compete.
Eliminate the competition just like all Affirmative Action Programs.


Inordinately Right
They already had their chance at education and wasted it or more likely ... unable to compete.
Eliminate the competition just like all Affirmative Action Programs.
I can tell you have zero knowledge of the education system in our inner city schools. But then again blaming children for the failures of the adults in their lives seems to be a theme with republicans like you.


Nine Lives
I can tell you have zero knowledge of the education system in our inner city schools. But then again blaming children for the failures of the adults in their lives seems to be a theme with republicans like you.
I know they suck ... I see results.
90% of the problem is the culture in which their parents raised them.


Well-Known Member
If $20 and hour with no benefits is high-paying then you have a point.
Otherwise, it's a goober post.


Well-Known Member
That is just racist.

Blacks are hurt badly by illegal immigration. Black Lives Matter should be given the very first opportunity to help build the wall. Why aren't they out there?

Civil Rights Activist: Illegal Immigration Hurts Job Prospects for Black Men

Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, explained that black males are more likely to experience competition from illegal immigrants.

He noted that this doesn't effect just black males, but all low-skilled American workers.

He said that black males, however, are disproportionately concentrated in low-skill labor markets, which is also where the bulk of legal and illegal immigrants over the past 20 years are concentrated.

"We're talking about, at the very low end, hundreds of thousands of blacks losing jobs, probably if you do the math, up to 1.2 million blacks losing jobs," Kirsanow said. "This has significant, obviously, impacts on the black community."
If whites are so in love with these jobs, why don't they do them? Oh I forgot it's beneath them. Slavery might have ended long ago but still is a wet dream for the Drumpf crowd.
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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
So instead of investing in education to get these people high paying jobs, we should spend billions on a wall, so they can keep their low paying jobs. Republicans lol.
Yeah, like throwing more money at the education system will help. You're sounding more and more like a spender..Be careful.

The Elephant in the Classroom: Mass Immigration's Impact on Public Education

Public school districts across the United States are suffering under a massive unfunded mandate imposed by the federal government: the requirement to educate millions of illegal aliens, the school age children of illegal aliens, refugees and legal immigrant students. FAIR estimates that it currently costs public schools $59.8 billion to serve this burgeoning population. The struggle to fund programs for students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), sometimes called English Language Learners (ELL), represents a major drain on school budgets. Yet due to political correctness, it is taboo to raise the issue even though scarce resources are redirected away from American citizens to support programs like English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and English as a Second Language (ESL).

Factors Straining Public Schools

  • A surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors crossing the border from Mexico, Guatemala,Honduras and El Salvador beginning in 2014
  • Family units entering the country illegally
  • People overstaying their visas
  • Higher-than-average birthrates among families with an illegal head-of-household
  • Around a million legal immigrants granted permanent resident status every year since 2004

How To Fix Education In America

9 Things That Will Shape The Future Of Education: What Learning Will Look Like In 20 Years?

Technology will totally change education in the coming years.


Inordinately Right
Yeah, like throwing more money at the education system will help. You're sounding more and more like a spender..Be careful.

The Elephant in the Classroom: Mass Immigration's Impact on Public Education

Public school districts across the United States are suffering under a massive unfunded mandate imposed by the federal government: the requirement to educate millions of illegal aliens, the school age children of illegal aliens, refugees and legal immigrant students. FAIR estimates that it currently costs public schools $59.8 billion to serve this burgeoning population. The struggle to fund programs for students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), sometimes called English Language Learners (ELL), represents a major drain on school budgets. Yet due to political correctness, it is taboo to raise the issue even though scarce resources are redirected away from American citizens to support programs like English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and English as a Second Language (ESL).

Factors Straining Public Schools

  • A surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors crossing the border from Mexico, Guatemala,Honduras and El Salvador beginning in 2014
  • Family units entering the country illegally
  • People overstaying their visas
  • Higher-than-average birthrates among families with an illegal head-of-household
  • Around a million legal immigrants granted permanent resident status every year since 2004

How To Fix Education In America

9 Things That Will Shape The Future Of Education: What Learning Will Look Like In 20 Years?

Technology will totally change education in the coming years.
Throwing more money at it lol.
GOP spokesperson for the day.

It's underfunded, and has been for decades. Ya, it's gonna cost more. Complaining won't make that fact go away.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
If whites are so in love with these jobs, why don't they do them? Oh I forgot it's beneath them. Slavery might have ended long ago but still is a wet dream for the Drumpf crowd.
They don't do them because they don't pay :censored2:. Employers also need to be part of the solution... Just like you. :wince:


Well-Known Member
They don't do them because they don't pay :censored2:. Employers also need to be part of the solution... Just like you. :wince:
They don't do them because they feel they are jobs minorities should do. This is the racist narrative coming from the repugs that the Dreamers are taking low skilled jobs away from minority citizens. You've got to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to see that.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
They don't do them because they feel they are jobs minorities should do. This is the racist narrative coming from the repugs that the Dreamers are taking low skilled jobs away from minority citizens. You've got to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to see that.

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Many jobs often thought to be overwhelmingly immigrant (legal and illegal) are in fact majority native-born:
  • Maids and housekeepers: 51 percent native-born
  • Taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58 percent native-born
  • Butchers and meat processors: 63 percent native-born
  • Grounds maintenance workers: 64 percent native-born
  • Construction laborers: 66 percent native-born
  • Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72 percent native-born
  • Janitors: 73 percent native-born

The American economy is dynamic, and it would be a mistake to think that every job taken by an immigrant is a job lost by a native. Many factors impact employment and wages. But it would also be a mistake to assume that dramatically increasing the number of workers in these occupations as a result of immigration policy has no impact on the employment prospects or wages of natives. To talk about the labor market as if there were jobs done entirely or almost entirely by immigrants is not helpful to understanding the potential impact of immigration on American workers. It gives the false impression that the job market is segmented between immigrant and native jobs. This is clearly not the case.

So who's BDD now? :teethy:


Inordinately Right
It's a little bizarre to see democrats on the conservative side of the immigration debate. Republicans seem to want the federal government to regulate the labor market. Open borders is a conservative viewpoint.


Nine Lives
Throwing more money at it lol.
GOP spokesperson for the day.

It's underfunded, and has been for decades. Ya, it's gonna cost more. Complaining won't make that fact go away.
The metro systems are funded at a higher rate than rural systems.
Rural systems are supported by an achieving culture and engaged parents.


Inordinately Right
The metro systems are funded at a higher rate than rural systems.
Rural systems are supported by an achieving culture and engaged parents.
Right, it's going to cost more to raise a group of children out of poverty, especially when their parents were also failed by an underfunded education system. Are you trying to make my point for me?