Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
I'm for law and order. But I also sympathize with the 800,000 dreamers. Trump should announce that he wants to legalize them through Congress and sign a law. With this new ruling by rino Robert's sellout arse. Now the program is open to new enrollment and has already started by November it will be 3 mill. Dreamers. So then it will be to big to overturn right now 800k is a lot but not huge amount but ny the time they rule again it will be 5 million. Trump 2020. Hopefully the independent voters go right. The have to be upset with the democratic Gov and mayor's all over the USA. Minnesota should be red in November.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I'm for law and order. But I also sympathize with the 800,000 dreamers. Trump should announce that he wants to legalize them through Congress and sign a law. With this new ruling by rino Robert's sellout arse. Now the program is open to new enrollment and has already started by November it will be 3 mill. Dreamers. So then it will be to big to overturn right now 800k is a lot but not huge amount but ny the time they rule again it will be 5 million. Trump 2020. Hopefully the independent voters go right. The have to be upset with the democratic Gov and mayor's all over the USA. Minnesota should be red in November.

You failed English in middle school didn't you?


Well-Known Member
I'm for law and order. But I also sympathize with the 800,000 dreamers. Trump should announce that he wants to legalize them through Congress and sign a law. With this new ruling by rino Robert's sellout arse. Now the program is open to new enrollment and has already started by November it will be 3 mill. Dreamers. So then it will be to big to overturn right now 800k is a lot but not huge amount but ny the time they rule again it will be 5 million. Trump 2020. Hopefully the independent voters go right. The have to be upset with the democratic Gov and mayor's all over the USA. Minnesota should be red in November.
Trump has already offered a compromise that would've allowed several million DACA kids to stay. The Dems turned him down.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You failed English in middle school didn't you?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Google "did Trump offer to let DACA kids stay" and look at the very first article from CNBC. He offered to let up to 1.8 million to stay, a million more than what the Dems asked for.

The offer was to leave DACA alone in exchange for money for his wall! No change in law. As much as that POS lies do you honestly think he wouldn't do the very same thing says after he got the money?!?!?

He should have Mexico pay for the wall!!!!

Oh yeah, I went there!


Well-Known Member
The offer was to leave DACA alone in exchange for money for his wall! No change in law. As much as that POS lies do you honestly think he wouldn't do the very same thing says after he got the money?!?!?

He should have Mexico pay for the wall!!!!

Oh yeah, I went there!
His offer was for letting the 800,000 stay plus another 1 million who hadn't signed up yet in exchange for funding for the wall. Apparently you think the Democrats should always get their way with no compromises. Doesn't work that way. But now you know there's more to it than what the Democrats are claiming now. Just like Trump getting prison sentencing reform. Democrats hardly say boo about it. Why? Because it benefits blacks more than any other group and Dems need the black vote. When even Van Jones says Trump did a good thing with that then maybe he's not quite the SOB you make him out to be.


Well-Known Member
How about we send back all the European anglos that are a dredge to Murican society?

I think thats an awesome idea. send back all the welfare receiving whites, blacks , hispanics and indians. no one here is an original citizen of this country nor continent. I'm starting to like the way you think you racist Mfer