Ending DACA

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You paint an idealistic picture. What about a realistic picture? That adult could just as easily be a welfare burden, or a criminal.
A one-size-fits-all solution won’t work. That’s why forcing Congress to do their job is necessary.
Wrong. DACA recipients can’t be criminals. They are far less likely to be welfare recipients once they are given work authorization through the program. They also need to have graduated high school or the equivalent. So if you want a realistic picture at least use reality, not a false representation of who’s eligible.


Well-Known Member
Their culture isn't Mexican or Honduran or whatever. They didn't break the law, their parents did. Send them back to what exactly? Poverty? Too bad for them? I'm 100% for sending any convicted felon back. Staying in the States would be a privilege, not a right, and breaking the law loses that privilege. I just think we're a bigger, better country than one that would destroy people's lives by playing politics.
Then nothing is left to conserve. Because the powers that be darn sure don’t care about heritage Americans. I.e folks that have been here for generations.


Inordinately Right
So a child raised in the states, educated with our tax dollars that is now gainfully employed as an adult should be deported to a country they’ve never known? Who benefits exactly?
So your argument is that illegal immigration benefits us how exactly?

Why don't all the socialist countries you people love so much use this brilliant plan of raising illegals with taxpayer money?


Inordinately Right
Their culture isn't Mexican or Honduran or whatever. They didn't break the law, their parents did. Send them back to what exactly? Poverty? Too bad for them? I'm 100% for sending any convicted felon back. Staying in the States would be a privilege, not a right, and breaking the law loses that privilege. I just think we're a bigger, better country than one that would destroy people's lives by playing politics.
Excellent make it clear to everyone south of the border that our laws mean nothing.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Wrong. DACA recipients can’t be criminals. They are far less likely to be welfare recipients once they are given work authorization through the program. They also need to have graduated high school or the equivalent. So if you want a realistic picture at least use reality, not a false representation of who’s eligible.
Using your logic, there are no such things as criminals, because we have laws against criminal activity. SMH

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Using your logic, there are no such things as criminals, because we have laws against criminal activity. SMH
That’s a weak grasp for an argument. We live in a society with the presumption of innocence, sorry that upsets you. I think you just never looked up the requirements to be a DACA recipient and are trying not to look foolish.


Well-Known Member
Then nothing is left to conserve. Because the powers that be darn sure don’t care about heritage Americans. I.e folks that have been here for generations.
I'm absolutely against people coming here illegally. But punishing people who were little when their parents brought them strikes me as extremely unfair. We're big enough to make exceptions. Just send back the criminals. We're talking about a group that's smaller than a year's worth of legal immigrants, right?


Inordinately Right
If we put up an effective wall and deport the criminal element that would send a pretty clear message.
Bro I've got no problem with a wall, but most come in at legal points of entry, and deporting the criminals will not deter people who aren't planning on being criminals.

Tough policy and and enforcing laws is the best deterrent. Exceptions and leniency encourage illegal immigration.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real