I'm not saying don't make it legal......BUT, which drug will be next? someone else will want ice legal, then crack, then heroin, then what?
that is the point More, some have no use in our society. No good comes from the use of crack, meth, you will kill your mother to get that. That is why making them legal for those addicted to get without creating violent situations for the unsuspecting public. It also puts them in a bank where they are registered, and will at sometime , have to get help to get off. But in the meantime they will not be stealing and doing violent crimes to get them. And I really know nothing of these types of drugs other than I have seen what I once thought were good people, be homeless, and indigent, with no teeth, or reason to live. Terrible addicting drugs. Since brake fluid, drano, bleach, things that will kill you and make a property inhabitable until it is cleaned, are what goes into making meth, etc, I have no clue why people will ingest them, but it kills their brain, from which I dont see them recovering.
And pot is not like that.