Enough is enough


Pineapple King
Could you possibly set a lower bar? Seriously... the provision has not been in effect for a year yet.

Healthy you say? Well, I guess that covers it since you say it is healthy. Nothing to look at here...
I sure as hell hope it's healthy. If they smoked through the what, $6.1 Billion UPS paid them to buy out the pension fund we are all in BIG trouble.


My Senior Picture
What has already happened is that no raise has been diverted to pay for Teamcare since this provision has been in contact. Teamcare is healthy.
It HAS been in effect for at least the last two contracts. No raise diverted. If you can't accept that, then there is no use arguing about it to you. Good day.
What you are purposely avoiding talking about is the fact that while Central States H&W Fund is healthy right now, it was most certainly doomed to a rapid decline if it didn't get an infusion of new members to contribute.
With a shrinking base of active contributors and an expanding retiree faction, coupled with increasing costs and ACA implications, the fund was destine to fail.
This is what was kept from us when the whole thing was negotiated and my biggest source of angst with the whole debacle.
All I ever wanted was the truth and all pertinent information when deciding whether I wanted to be a martyr.