My Senior Picture
Come on? They've hired at least 30 in my building this calendar year. Three different bid sheets. They can't find people. I've walked the building and actually recruited. Either you are out of touch with your new drivers seniority or you are on Alcatraz. 25 more this calendar year to go with the fear that they will have to go to the outside.
Oh yeah if you don't know the new members that are coming in and their seniority dates a good way to go about learning who they are is introducing yourself to them give them your phone number take their phone number put it in your phone and it's a great tool. It's what I do to make a connection with a new member. It gives me a good database.
It's also helpful in getting members to vote.
This thread is presently about Dragon being a dick, so don't change the subject.
Thanks for tip, but I don't live in...