What happens now that Holder is held in contempt ??
They will threaten to take away his birthday, no desert for a week, and they will think ill of him for 3-4 hours; then they will be called racists and will drop everything, apologize and promote him to Executive Secret Senior Attorney General.
What happens is that Revs Al and Jesse will call out the mob and demand that anyone in Congress who voted to hold Holder in contempt be impeached and flayed alive for being racist.
All we know for sure is that the MSM will report it as being a very big problem for the GOP.
My vote is to have him waterboarded until he gives up the documents.
Not a darn thing. O’bie will grant him some sort of immunity from everything including malaria and shingles. Sick and sad. Can they hold uncle o’bie in contempt? Probably not. Everything’s “sealed”.
He will be put on Triple-Double Secret Probation for a month..................
I believe that the Just-Us Dept would investigate.
And you know what that means.
Folks, Holder is a lying crook.
His boss is a lying crook.
Reid is a senile ugly lying crook.
Pelosi is a bitchy ignorant ugly lying crook.
Does anyone even imagine that anything will come of this?
All we know for sure is that the MSM will report it as being a very big problem for the GOP. Yes... and that the GOP has jeopardized its standing with blacks.
The black Obama vote will go from 98% to 99%.
Nothing will happen.
Congress will find Holder in contempt and go on vacation next week.
They will not return to DC until October just before the elections and they will focus on matters that “take precedence at this time”
The same thing as happened to Charles Rangel when he was officially censured and hoo haa’ed by Congress.
The same thing that happened to Ted Kennedy for Chappaquiddick.
Democrats claim ‘RACIST WITCH HUNT’ and garner more white guilt sympathy votes for Obama in November?
If Eric Holder is held in Contempt of Congress, the issue goes the US Attorney for DC for prosecution.
Unfortunately, his boss is, well, Eric Holder.
In the unlikely event Holder is convicted of contempt of Congress the punishment is up to $1000 fine and up to 12 months in prison.
Eric Holder will be shunned by all honest lawyers, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny and will be feted by Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists.
Nothing. Obama. the Democrats, and the media will protect him.
Holder will return to his lucrative career defending Islamist terrorists.