EXCLUSIVE: UPS dismisses 250 Queens drivers after they protested against long-time employee's dismis

Mack Grant

Well-Known Member
You speak the truth!! Many on this forum believe the contract is a one-way street and UPS are the only ones that should be held accountable to it.

but truth is, the contract goes BOTH ways! How can we hold UPS accountable for their violations of the contract, if we teamsters violate it ourselves.
When I was pt in the hub I saw a few employees abandon the job. None ever came back. UPS and the union treat this the same way they do stealing. Like it or not they're gone. I haven't read any public statements from the top IBT have you?
In this volatile job market with minimum wage workers trying to organize at fast food restaurants, and a contract that isn't finalized UPS won't tolerate a wildcat strike because everyone is watching and it could be infectious in other buildings. People who think this act will slide don't truly understand the UPS culture.
Liam led these men to their doom.
As other posters have stated the rules work both ways and the man who staged the walkout did it at the expense of those drivers' jobs.

Mack Grant

Well-Known Member
I disagree. I believe they are sincere about it and will pull their business in support if UPS pushes the issue.
I don't know who those politicians are in the news story but you can bet UPS does, and has 10 times more political clout than they do. The only real problem is if they suffer in the court of public opinion. The UPS of old didn't have problems here but the new company may.


New Member
Nice to be a PTer at Maspeth.

Anyone who's worked at ups knows part timers get no respect from the company or the union. Also anyone who's been involved with this local should know that it's not the same as it use to be. Time and again this union leadership has let down its workers full and part time. And if the part timers in that building think there going to fill all those full time driving positions with them they are dreaming. Most positions will be filled by guys off the street who have a hook with supervisors and management. Also in the new contract check out what there calling Full-time combo jobs. Basically they say there creating all these full time combo jobs with warehouse guys driving air and covering routes for guys on vacation but the catch is they don't have to guarantee your hours. They use you when they absolutely need you and when it's slow you come in and drive air for and hour and a half then go to your other shift whenever that my Start. All new ups drivers or part timers who want to go full time should be worried if all these hard working middle class guys get fired because they listened to there union reps because guess what when you finally make your book after running your balls off jumping threw hoops for this company these same union reps will be leading you.

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