If that comes out then nail him to the wall. The point y'all blithely ignore is while so far there's nothing indicating he was doing anything of the sort, just overheated hype, on your side of the aisle your party supported for president possibly the most corrupt politician is this country's history. It was assumed she would win, and that's all that matters, keeping the power. And after she lost in spite of so many indicators as to why she was to blame, the Dems went into mass hysteria mode and came to the conclusion that there's no way she should've lost, it was stolen from her by nefarious forces colluding with the winner. On a certain level it's been fascinating to watch. Collective hubris by those who've convinced themselves that their innate superiority has been

on by those less worthy. If you don't remember anything else, remember this. One man, one vote. If you ignore a large enough group of voters long enough, assuming they are a loyal block that will always back you, you just might get burned bad enough to watch your aspirations go down in flames. I doubt seriously Trump ever did anything involving Russians from Russia. But he did collude with many of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and other Americans of Eastern European heritage in telling them what they wanted to hear, and they voted for him. And Hillary lost.