Absolutely! That should be implemented nation wide as government assistance should not be viewed as a way of life, but a means to keep food in someone's stomach and a roof over their head until they can do so on their own. If you encourage them to stay in the system as it is setup now they stay and try to figure out how to get yet more money from it. They attempt to vote in politicans sympathetic to their cause, and figure out what the system needs to see in order to pay out more money. In some inner city neighborhoods the amount of money the government sends you is a sign of success and that just isn't a sustainable way for government assistance to continue.
I'll go you one further Brett. Any person who obtains welfare, subsidy, taxpayer assistance, tax credit, income credit or any other gov't privilege that comes at taxpayer expense should have to take a monthly drug test at the expense of the recipient. Even if the drug test comes back negative, no reimbursement, it's just a cost of getting the dollars from taxpayers via gov't. And since you brought up voting, these same people on the taxpayer nickle, should not be allowed to vote or have any say in gov't policy or direction. They can't even write a letter or in any way lobby or advocate gov't for more bennies!
Brett wants to make the USA worse then Nazi Germany the sounds of it. Full dictatorship and police state.
Not allowed to vote ? Take their car away or make them sell it ? Don't even need to do that when declaring bankruptcy !
And where does it stop ? Next is people receiving SS and Medicare/aid ?
People with subsidized Obamacare undergo drug testing, too - and also can't vote ?
Then the private sector will join the government, and everyone insured collecting disabilty payments would be subject to the same.
Or if you call in sick you'll need alcohol and drug testing done to get paid for the day, making sure the person is just not hungover from over drinking or doing drugs ?
Is that Brett's USA for tomorrow ?![]()
klein loses this one.........he used his Nazi card.
It is a widely known fact that when anyone throws down the nazi card it means that they no longer has anything useful to discuss with .
I also felt the same for people who just post cartoons or compare someone to bull excrement. I'm thinking of a mother and son as I write this!
wkmac, I agree, in certain ways and opinions, I am a little facist.
For example after 9/11, I would have stopped all immigration from the middle-east , period ! Call it National security messures.
And even now, in this time of high unemployment stop or at least minimize immigration, and only let those in with a profession that is needed.
Welfare mommies, that seems to be a problem here - some just having more kids to get more welfare.
Single men, they don't get a dime here. (unless critical ill, unable to work, etc).
But, honestly, I also don't want a city like the US does. We don't have slums or ghettos here where the very poor reside.
And actually the city has a goal to have a home for all the homeless people here by 2015??? or sooner. (I believe).
In a certain way, I also believe National Daycare might be good to have - they have it in Quebec, and also the nothern European countries.
That allows those "welfare mommies" to go to work.
I really don't believe a Nation should consist out of a few very rich people, then the rich, and the poor.
I don't believe in the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer.
For me that's a huge step backwards and like the old monarchies in middle age Europe or even the time before the industrial revolution.
To have a great country to be proud of, everyone should be able to live atleast some decent little life. And that's a fact.
Scott's mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients is quite authoritarian and facist in nature.klein loses this one.........he used his Nazi card.
It is a widely known fact that when anyone throws down the nazi card it means that they no longer has anything useful to discuss with .
I know some hub workers that want into the feeder department, but choose not to go in simply because they would have to subject themselves to a drug test and they do not want that kind of attention so they pass on any opportunities to go into feeders.
Gee, all the checkers in my grocery store are drug tested.......so that means Ralph's is actually Hitler's Whole Foods ???Scott's mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients is quite authoritarian and facist in nature.
See, that proves it DOES affect their brains & decision making!!!That is really sad...ummm lets see...what is more important...Smoke weed or make more money and advance myself...hmmm, i will choose weed. Sad.
Yes.Gee, all the checkers in my grocery store are drug tested.......so that means Ralph's is actually Hitler's Whole Foods ???
I don't condone drug use, but I also don't condone making life decisions based upon money. You are acting as though everyone who turns down a job that involves drug testing, turn it down because they would fail the drug test. That is not the truth, but it sure sounds good when you make a generic and dumbed down argument.That is really sad...ummm lets see...what is more important...Smoke weed or make more money and advance myself...hmmm, i will choose weed. Sad.
I also felt the same for people who just post cartoons or compare someone to bull excrement. I'm thinking of a mother and son as I write this!