not 30 bucks. Not many have been tested. The first ones who volunteered, were the ones in need of benefits. Lets see how it goes as we get past the first wave..................
Hmm, Yesterday, i did some searching and from what I can determine, the piss test may not be the only test that is used by Florida. There seemed to be some indications that the hair analysis test would be used sometimes as well(maybe both). Hair would tell the tale for the last few months but not for the last few days of what someone has been up to. The Hair test is more expensive but from from what I read, it is not always used. That is why 30 dollars is offered as the AVERAGE cost of the test. Anyway, neither here or there, but the cost of the test is now variable when making these calculations.
It was bad reporting or bad wording. 3 days ago I posted this link in the Welfare thread to a Tampa Bay Online story about this same drug testing program for cash assistance welfare. Here is how they worded the meat and potatoes part.
I think this story worded it better so you could understand that the entire cash assistance program costed $178 mil and then what the drug testing savings would be. Having read this previous story and then read the piece Sleeve linked too, I understood the gist but I can see where it would be easy to confuse it as well, especially being half asleep.
Yes, at some point I came to the conclusion that the $178 million was the total cost of the cash assistance program. Thanks for the link. It helped to clarify that point.
As for whether or not this program is right in terms of should people be tested or not . I will not address that point.
I will just say that a 2% percent failure rate is probably not indicative of the total failure rate. It mentions that another 2% failed to complete the application process. I would say in that group, there must be some who upon looking at the application, saw the mention of a drug test and decided to not fork over 30 dollars to show what they already know: that they would fail.
And then there has to be another group that knows before hand that a drug test is required and they know that they have no way of passing, so they don't even bother to start the application process as well.
In other words, I think the program might be more "successful" than these articles are suggesting. That is ,success being measured in terms of preventing a drug addict getting his hands on the cash from this program.