To convert from audio recordings, they use a stenographer.
The "powers that be" will never allow members, to access the information online.
Even FZ.... would never agree to that.
The decision was....
"Based on the facts presented (in this instant case), the claim of the Union is denied."
As I said earlier, it was the company who took the position at first.
It was based on a grievance from part-time hub employees trying to exercise their seniority
by bumping junior employees in other work area's for additional overtime.
Hate to tell you Mug....
My Local uses a stenographer at the monthly meetings to take "verbatim minutes".
That's why when stepping up to the mike, members must identify themselves, so their name,
statements, questions, and or comments, can be accurately recorded.
When I was an elected Trustee, reviewing the books is when I saw what
my Local paid per month.
The same stenographer takes the same "verbatim minutes" at the monthly
Executive Board meeting. Even in the off months, during the summer recession.
I have no control over what is charged for a transcription.
But.... thanks for the apparent assumption, that I am higher up the chain.