People are generally terrible consumers and fall right in line with the gimmicks these corporations are marketing.Sorry but not everyone lives in a perfect lily white world where there is opportunity galore outside their doorstep. I'm all for working hard to better oneself. But the opportunities just aren't there for a large portion of the country. Just imagine at what this country could be if everyone had access to a world class education and/ or training. Minimum wage jobs such as Wal-Mart and McDonald's is the new slavery. You just can't grasp that concept. There is a need for Wal-Mart because of corporations like Wal-Mart. Where do you think its workers shop?
Of course socialists have been calling wage workers "wage slavery" for centuries, and they of course are (unfortunately) correct.
Who has time to prepare meals for families when you're working 100-200 hours a week combined? Hence "fast food", food for working families who don't have time to cook for their families between working two and three jobs.
On a brighter note, I bet Wal-Mart profited at least 10 or 15 billion last year...