
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
i wonder if theres similarities with the nazi's anti jewish hysteria, and american right wing conspiracy theories which are far from truth.
Ten Things You Should Know About Socialism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

What’s the Problem with Socialism? Let’s start with...everything.

So says bestselling author and professor of economics Thomas J. DiLorenzo, who sets the record straight in this concise and lively primer on an economic theory that’s gaining popularity—with help from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders—despite its universal failure as an economic model and its truly horrific record on human rights.

In sixteen eye-opening chapters, DiLorenzo reveals how socialism inevitably makes inequality worse, why socialism was behind the worst government-sponsored mass murders in history, the myth of “successful” Scandinavian socialism; how socialism is worse—far worse—for the environment than capitalism, and more.

As DiLorenzo shows, and history proves, socialism is the answer only if you want
increasing unemployment and poverty,
stifling bureaucracy if not outright political tyranny,
catastrophic environmental pollution,
rotten schools,
and so many social ills that it takes a book like this to cover just the big ones.

In the words of Thomas E. Woods - "Dance on socialism's grave by reading this book."



Well-Known Member
Stalin was your typical Socialist!

Modern day Socialists be like, "I have a great idea! Let's try what was already tried in Angola, Austria, Armenia, Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan,
Benin, Bessarabia, Bulgaria, Bukavia, Belarus, Burkina Fasso,
Cuba, Cambodia, Congo, China Czeklosavacia,
East Germany, Ethiopia, Estonia,
Georgia, Grenada,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Laos, Latavia, Lithuania,
Madagascar, Mongolia, Mahabad, Macedonia, Marquetalia, Mozambique, Moldovia,
Nicaragua, North Korea,
Romania, Russia,
Somalia, Slovakia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Ukraine, Uzbekastan,
Vietnam, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia, Yemen,
Zanzibar, Zimbabwe which didn't just fail but catastrophically failed.

With over a 100 million murdered in the last century alone!
But don't worry, that wasn't real Socialism and since we know what we're doing,
though we can't agree on what Socialism is exactly, let alone clearly define it.
Coupled with the fact that we get everything not just wrong but catastrophically wrong
shouldn't stop you from surrendering your rights and liberty
to an overreaching totalitarian central government for the common good.
Because capitalism is evil, immoral unlike we Socialists and our moral supremacy!
some of these countries have higher life expectancy and more rights than america like longer vacation.

capitalism is linked to imperialist wars

maybe watch a debate instead of listening to morons who only talk about state socialism and who i assume are free market fundamentalists



Well-Known Member
Ten Things You Should Know About Socialism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

What’s the Problem with Socialism? Let’s start with...everything.

So says bestselling author and professor of economics Thomas J. DiLorenzo, who sets the record straight in this concise and lively primer on an economic theory that’s gaining popularity—with help from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders—despite its universal failure as an economic model and its truly horrific record on human rights.

In sixteen eye-opening chapters, DiLorenzo reveals how socialism inevitably makes inequality worse, why socialism was behind the worst government-sponsored mass murders in history, the myth of “successful” Scandinavian socialism; how socialism is worse—far worse—for the environment than capitalism, and more.

As DiLorenzo shows, and history proves, socialism is the answer only if you want
increasing unemployment and poverty,
stifling bureaucracy if not outright political tyranny,
catastrophic environmental pollution,
rotten schools,
and so many social ills that it takes a book like this to cover just the big ones.

In the words of Thomas E. Woods - "Dance on socialism's grave by reading this book."

stifling bureaucracy - i think david graeber would argue america already has that with his book "BS jobs"
pollution - check and republicans are dedicated to pushing the species off the cliff
rotten schools - americans got it and many other ills of empire
increasing unemployment and poverty - yes its growing for decades in america since reagan id assume.

give a few people all the power in capitalism or state socialism and you will get similar results id guess


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
the christian right and christian fascists in america believe in moral absolutism which means they think they are good and pure, and externalize evil so muslims or immigrants are evil.


Well-Known Member
the christian right and christian fascists in america believe in moral absolutism which means they think they are good and pure, and externalize evil so muslims or immigrants are evil.
we are all a mix of good and bad and we shouldnt forget we are capable of evil


Well-Known Member
the ghost of margaret thatcher?

or something else? they have alot of surveillance cams in uk. we will turn into china if we dont fight back in the streets, on the phonelines, and with social media.



Well-Known Member
Trump tried a coup on jan 6 but was too incompetent to pull it off.

4 or 8 more years of democrats who do nothing but token guestures for the working class and usa may get the real fascist its been looking for


nowhere special
Trump tried a coup on jan 6 but was too incompetent to pull it off.

4 or 8 more years of democrats who do nothing but token guestures for the working class and usa may get the real fascist its been looking for
Trump was the sitting President. He tried a coup against himself?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
When you think of the word fascism, you think Hitler, Mussolini, Franco in Spain. All right-wing.
Now the word has taken on a different meaning, because it is the left in America that has embraced fascism.
Definition: "a political system headed by a dictator, in which the government controls business and labor. And opposition is not permitted."
There can be no doubt this is what the progressive left wants in this country.


Well-Known Member
When you think of the word fascism, you think Hitler, Mussolini, Franco in Spain. All right-wing.
Now the word has taken on a different meaning, because it is the left in America that has embraced fascism.
Definition: "a political system headed by a dictator, in which the government controls business and labor. And opposition is not permitted."
There can be no doubt this is what the progressive left wants in this country.
labor is already beat down in america.