Father of the Year or child abuse?

What is your opinion on the father’s actions?

  • Father of the Year

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • Child abuse

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Extreme but not child abuse

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I hated the bus. Stopped taking it in 5th grade. Rode my bike, ran or walked every day. If making your kid run to school is abuse, then I guess PE would have to be as well.

Humans, along with many other species, align themselves according to a dominance hierarchy. Physical dominance is only part of the hierarchy, and will only get you so far. Competence is a much greater indicator of your position in the heirarchy.

Allowing younger children to play rough lets them learn limits and how to properly interact with others. And any schools that have limited or eliminated recess need to reinstate them and expand recess periods. Kids who are able to get physical activity throughout the day are better able to focus and less likely to be misdiagnosed wih ADHD. But I digress.

Ask any elementary school teacher and they will tell you that recess is as important as the 3 R’s.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
That’s just crazy. Kids NEED recess. It gives them free time to interact with others and use their imaginations. Plus, it gives them a chance to burn off pent up energy from sitting all day and they can exercise.
Now they just pump them full of ADHD drugs if their behaviors aren't up to "standard".


Well-Known Member
That’s just crazy. Kids NEED recess. It gives them free time to interact with others and use their imaginations. Plus, it gives them a chance to burn off pent up energy from sitting all day and they can exercise.

...that plus the teachers get a much needed break...

Back to the thread-----I just saw the video and would like to change my vote to "abusive". Yes, the father was trying to teach the kid a lesson, but I think he went overboard when he decided to follow him and use his cell phone to record his son running to school.

When my ex and I were separated I would pick the kids up and bring them to school. My son was not always the best at having his backpack organized and we would at times have to go back and get something that he "forgot" and "really needed". There finally came a point where he asked to go back and I told him no and that he would have to go to school with what was in his back pack and explain to that particular teacher why he was not prepared. He was pissed but we never had to go back after that.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Parents of yesterday didn't have their hands tied by the courts stating that they could go to jail or be harassed by Child Services if they dissaplined their kid in public.
This line is key.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The voter of child abuse probably doesn't think the kid will be fine.
@Operational needs did you see what I did there?


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Running in and of itself is neither extreme nor harsh—-running as a form of punishment is.
No it’s not. Like the dad said, he got kicked off the bus and getting a ride to school would be a reward. He shouldn’t have let him run with the back pack though. As it is, kids’ backpacks are too heavy half the time.


Well-Known Member
No it’s not. Like the dad said, he got kicked off the bus and getting a ride to school would be a reward. He shouldn’t have let him run with the back pack though. As it is, kids’ backpacks are too heavy half the time.
I would not have made him run. Or followed him to school. Some kids like/want that kind of attention. His punishment should not be putting others out.


I'm a star
There is a line. Anybody remember Savannah Hardin? We also had 6 recruits die of overpunishment when I was in basic training. PT in MOPP level four, heat cat. 5 and 90 + degrees.