Favorite Movie Clips


Well-Known Member
Born and raised with it. Though still better than being a piece of :censored2: like you.
I guess being a piece of :poop: is in the eye of the beholder.
I won't speak to that, it will speak for me in that day.

You're a sensitive little fella.

We'll agree, you :poop: more than me, but i'm a piece of :poop:.

I know who and what I am, you know you, you know the rest or will one day.

Ok tuff guy, I'll poke you in the eye tomorrow, or maybe sooner.

Captain Qwark

"I don't deserve these bulbous buttocks."
I don't have the clip, but this scene from Bambi:

Thumper: "You mama's boy! Why don't you run on home to your mama you big 'ol mama's boy!

Thumper's Mama from a distance: Thuuuuum-perrrrr!

Thumper: "Coming mama."