FedEx contractor revolt?


Staff member
So do you think contractors will rally around Spencer and park their trucks in protest? Maybe move Purple Friday up to next week?
No. I don’t think anyone is going to run off to help cover the routes and the ones going broke just lost any hope that things would get better.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
This feels like it’s going to be a huge change in the company. No raise leak rumors , suing contractors , putting express in ground hubs , e-star , new CEO. Something big is going to happen


Well-Known Member
I don’t think they have contingency teams in place.
If they don't, it further proves management are idiots.

If they do, then contingency teams are enabling FedEx to regard it's contractors with contempt.

Under these circumstances, contingency teams should be considered as scabs.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think they have contingency teams in place.
Of course they don't. Not in this labor market. But this is a classic FedEx move. Bite their nose to spite their face. FedEx is like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cutoff trying to put fires out at both Express and Ground. It's entertaining to say the least.😂

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If they don't, it further proves management are idiots.

If they do, then contingency teams are enabling FedEx to regard it's contractors with contempt.

Under these circumstances, contingency teams should be considered as scabs.
Right now they absolutely are considered scabs. Many contractors that have done contingency in the past, myself included, won’t go near it right now.


Well-Known Member
Spencer posted it. I’ll see if I can find his press release.
Either way, it's already rough out there and fedex just threw 200+ open routes into the fire. Sounds like a solid idea. I would assume it might scare some people to back down but it might be something someone else could use to get out also.