FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
He's just a carnival barker. All he got from his audience was the standard "yeah, we've heard it all before" polite applause. But, in the end he'll do what he's told by FDX and so will everyone else in that audience.
Maybe so. Time will tell.

In the end, I hope all works out well for all XG contractors.

And if Patton can make all the upper-management manager critter weenies squirm, then his value is self-evident.


Well-Known Member
Also, I am unable to understand what valuable insight or experience XE employees would be able to contribute to the subject of a FedEx contractor revolt.
The point I'm making is that it's laughable for contractors to look to FedEx to motivate them in any way, shape or form.

I honestly don't care what the contractors choose to do to resolve their problems with FedEx.
I re-read that paragraph I wrote and I reflect that it was very poorly worded, and specifically belittling to you and XE employees.

I make efforts on this forum to not be a jerk to other members or resort to personal attacks as I believe it is the wrong way to get my point across. Also, doing such things makes me feel bad.

I went to rephrase that paragraph, but I was too late.

My apologies.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
I re-read that paragraph I wrote and I reflect that it was very poorly worded, and specifically belittling to you and XE employees.

I make efforts on this forum to not be a jerk to other members or resort to personal attacks as I believe it is the wrong way to get my point across. Also, doing such things makes me feel bad.

I went to rephrase that paragraph, but I was too late.

My apologies.

No worries. :happy2:


Staff member
It's sad to see how Patton is so totally devoid of bargaining leverage that he's been reduced to your common everyday motivational speaker. Long on platitudes....short on specifics. If you didn't know what was going on you would think he was talking to a gathering of FDX managers and salesman.
That’s awfully dismissive.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I can’t even begin to fathom how miserable your life must be. You really better be high up the food chain in Memphis with all the time you spend here belittling FedEx employees and talking down to them like they’re dirt. You‘re a miserable little man.
Bud, I told you that customers don't care who delivers their packages. If you're triggered by that, take it up with the customers. They're the ones who tolerate it.

Otherwise, I now return you back to your regularly scheduled programming where you and some other clown just like you blow smoke up each other's rear ends because that's all you know to do. This board isn't your affirmation clearinghouse. And if you don't like my posts, or me, then don't read my posts. I don't care what you like.


Just telling it like it is
Bud, I told you that customers don't care who delivers their packages. If you're triggered by that, take it up with the customers. They're the ones who tolerate it.

Otherwise, I now return you back to your regularly scheduled programming where you and some other clown just like you blow smoke up each other's rear ends because that's all you know to do. This board isn't your affirmation clearinghouse. And if you don't like my posts, or me, then don't read my posts. I don't care what you like.
With that that kind of response, apparently you do.


Well-Known Member
He's like a seagull:

Swoops in, squawks, struts around, craps all over everything, and goes somewhere else.

Repeat. Ad Infinitum.
That's interesting. Just a few post earlier you concurred with my belief that based on past history the only gains Patton can hope for and count on afterward will be what he can win in the courts because it's the only judgement that is binding upon FDX.

If you think that the terms set forth in those contracts FDX set out there for contractors are binding upon FDX , man have you been mislead. As we've talked about before, there is no governing legal authority in place with the power to make those terms binding. And that is the basis for all the bad blood between FDX and contractors.....NOTHING"S BINDING!....And as a result FDX does whatever they damn well please....It's good to see however that thing's are finally coming to a head....and it's years overdue.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
FedEx Ground was on Fox business a 4 minute segment had over a million views Freddy’s corrupt scam is being exposed.

"Aug 19, 2022

Route Consultant founder and president Spencer Patton explains how FedEx Ground’s delivery network is at risk of collapse due to inflationary pressures."



Staff member
That's interesting. Just a few post earlier you concurred with my belief that based on past history the only gains Patton can hope for and count on afterward will be what he can win in the courts because it's the only judgement that is binding upon FDX.

If you think that the terms set forth in those contracts FDX set out there for contractors are binding upon FDX , man have you been mislead. As we've talked about before, there is no governing legal authority in place with the power to make those terms binding. And that is the basis for all the bad blood between FDX and contractors.....NOTHING"S BINDING!....And as a result FDX does whatever they damn well please....It's good to see however that thing's are finally coming to a head....and it's years overdue.

There are things that are binding.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting. Just a few post earlier you concurred with my belief that based on past history the only gains Patton can hope for and count on afterward will be what he can win in the courts because it's the only judgement that is binding upon FDX.
On the subject of XG I agree with you very much sometimes. Other times not so much.

Regarding the subject of a contractor revolt, you have been very pessimistic during a time in which there have never been more reasons to be optimistic.

I know you have yer reasons. As you have expressed them many times.

I simply want to see XG management tarred, feathered, and rode out on a rail.

The conditions for that event have never been so ripe.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 397378
There are things that are binding.
It gained back today (8-23) about half what if lost yesterday. Keep in mind something here. That dividend hike is going to cost them 455 million dollars a year in the face of growing expectations of a recession next year .

Looks like they've got two unpleasant choices. Draw on reserves and credit to go in and try to save ground or end the whole miserable mess and begin converting to a straight up and down employer/employee model. Based on past practice they'll try to split it down the middle with a complex new rate structure that seek to hide and even more constrained revenue base for contractors then go out and try to sell it to them with first a sweet talk approach then if that doesn't work a more threatening tone.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Looks like fats and raj has the contractor problem fixed. It seems all is well now and business as usual.
John Smith just posted a video on the internal Ground contractor site. It was basically him pooping on the desk and giving 2 middle fingers to the camera. Not what I would call an impressive response to the challenges his network of contractors is currently facing.


Well-Known Member
John Smith just posted a video on the internal Ground contractor site. It was basically him pooping on the desk and giving 2 middle fingers to the camera. Not what I would call an impressive response to the challenges his network of contractors is currently facing.
Of those 1600 "newly negotiated and re-negotiated contracts" I wonder what % of them were new contracts so called "negotiated" with new contractors replacing the ones who simply walked away?

Might as well face it. Much if not all of the additional money that might have otherwise gone to contractors will now go to pay the additional dividends Fat's and Raj now have to pay in order to make peace with DE Shaw. Shaw didn't do you guys any favors.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Of those 1600 "newly negotiated and re-negotiated contracts" I wonder what % of them were new contracts so called "negotiated" with new contractors replacing the ones who simply walked away?

Might as well face it. Much if not all of the additional money that might have otherwise gone to contractors will now go to pay the additional dividends Fat's and Raj now have to pay in order to make peace with DE Shaw. Shaw didn't do you guys any favors.
If Shaw heard what was said this weekend and looked at the contingency money being spent, I can’t imagine they are happy. This peak will be very lackluster. Any shipper with half a brain is already finding alternate ways to get their stuff delivered. John Smith is drowning the golden goose in his bathtub. No investor would be pleased with that.


Well-Known Member
If the great ponderous heads who are experts at predicting economic cycles believe that there will be a prolonged downturn, then FedEx would be OK with contractors walking away.

In the meantime, contingency buzzards will fill the gaps. For the contractors that remain, maybe FedEx will try to force abandoned areas upon contractors as a condition of renewing their contract.

I've read that contingency contractors make bank. I also heard Patton claim that he would no longer fill contingency routes. But it wouldn't surprise me if he would encourage a large contractor exodus, and fill those contingency routes under a new or different entity.

It wouldn't be the first time a successful businessman said one thing, and did something else.


Well-Known Member
If the great ponderous heads who are experts at predicting economic cycles believe that there will be a prolonged downturn, then FedEx would be OK with contractors walking away.

In the meantime, contingency buzzards will fill the gaps. For the contractors that remain, maybe FedEx will try to force abandoned areas upon contractors as a condition of renewing their contract.

I've read that contingency contractors make bank. I also heard Patton claim that he would no longer fill contingency routes. But it wouldn't surprise me if he would encourage a large contractor exodus, and fill those contingency routes under a new or different entity.

It wouldn't be the first time a successful businessman said one thing, and did something else.
Thank you for supporting my position when I said earlier that FDX could tie an abandoned work area to a contractor with an adjoining area making accepting that abandoned area a condition for acquiring a new contract. Believe me, doing something like that is well within their past practices.

Another good point you made is concerns regarding the real intent of Spence Patton. He plainly stated that he was looking out first and foremost for #1. It perplexes me as to why contractors are pinning so much hope that a single contractor will be able to improve their lot. Perhaps this guy really does represent contractors last best hope of reacquiring economic viability.

Regardless, contractors have simply made their money from FXG contracting. It will never again be that lucrative. The best they can hope is to hang on long enough while hoping for the return of the contract flipper/speculator who will again badly overpay for routes.