Fedex Layoffs. Is UPS management next?

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
Time for the middle management bureaucratic bloat to be excised from the company. Always first on the chopping block. You’d think they’d keep the weight off but after the hard times are gone these fat cats can’t stop themselves from rehiring thousands of professional useless people. UPS can save some money getting rid of the diversity, equity and inclusion crowd. Or the guy that changes FL1 to FDR back and forth every couple years to justify his IT salary.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.


nowhere special
FedEx sent an announcement to employees Wednesday informing them that the package delivery company is reducing the size of its officer and director team by more than 10% and consolidating some teams and functions.

“Unfortunately, this was a necessary action to become a more efficient, agile organization,” CEO Raj Subramaniam said in a prepared statement.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
FedEx sent an announcement to employees Wednesday informing them that the package delivery company is reducing the size of its officer and director team by more than 10% and consolidating some teams and functions.

“Unfortunately, this was a necessary action to become a more efficient, agile organization,” CEO Raj Subramaniam said in a prepared statement.


The Most Hated Troll 😈
I’m 99% sure they will cut from the bottom up. So don’t think it will be just management. Nonetheless, there are no word on job cuts and we are still hiring strong 💪

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Ohhhh now we’re going out of business after saying we made 13 billion in profit last year.

"United Parcel Service Inc. is girding its business against a slowdown in global delivery volumes as it advised that annual revenue could decline for the first time since 2009.

The Atlanta-based delivery company said Tuesday that it expects revenue of between $97 billion and $99.4 billion in 2023, down from $100.3 billion last year."

Of course delivery revenue will be down. Everyone isn't still stuck at home hiding from the virus and/or holding a fist full of government cash and having everything delivered. The big tech companies that are laying off right now are forecasting drops in revenue for similar reasons.

To put things in perspective. Check out 2020 and 2021:

UPS Revenue 2010-2022 | UPS | MacroTrends



Yes, I know I'm working late.
Ups is just playing poor because it's a contract year. Ask your management how much they got in mip this year. Profits always look less when contract negotiations start. Don't listen to these lying crooks. If you do you are stupid.

Hot Carl

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be surprised, nor would I shed a tear. We already have too many on-roads as it is and half of them don't know their ass from their elbows anyway. I know the whisper campaign in my building right now is that our center manager is reportedly out in March 🤞🤞.