Fedex Layoffs. Is UPS management next?

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Time for the middle management bureaucratic bloat to be excised from the company. Always first on the chopping block. You’d think they’d keep the weight off but after the hard times are gone these fat cats can’t stop themselves from rehiring thousands of professional useless people. UPS can save some money getting rid of the diversity, equity and inclusion crowd. Or the guy that changes FL1 to FDR back and forth every couple years to justify his IT salary.
WHITE MEN ONLY here at UPS, right?

No sense in upsetting Sissy Brown Short Shorts with all of these differently looking people.

Solidarity, RIGHT???


Well-Known Member
"United Parcel Service Inc. is girding its business against a slowdown in global delivery volumes as it advised that annual revenue could decline for the first time since 2009.

The Atlanta-based delivery company said Tuesday that it expects revenue of between $97 billion and $99.4 billion in 2023, down from $100.3 billion last year."

Of course delivery revenue will be down. Everyone isn't still stuck at home hiding from the virus and/or holding a fist full of government cash and having everything delivered. The big tech companies that are laying off right now are forecasting drops in revenue for similar reasons.

To put things in perspective. Check out 2020 and 2021:

UPS Revenue 2010-2022 | UPS | MacroTrends

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Yes, but cardboard sales are down 8.4 % from a year ago. That's a troublesome indicator.
It'll get bumpy.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but cardboard sales are down 8.4 % from a year ago. That's a troublesome indicator.
It'll get bumpy.
You might be on to something.


Well-Known Member
A big house, 2 cars, 5 iPhones, 3 iPads, 4 computers, and 5 this a picture of an average American family? What else do they need to spend on? You can't expect unlimited growth. Unlimited growth is a cancer definition.
A big house, 2 cars, 5 iPhones, 3 iPads, 4 computers, and 5 this a picture of an average American family? What else do they need to spend on? You can't expect unlimited growth. Unlimited growth is a cancer definition.
This is why so many Central American refugees risk their lives to come to America.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
A big house, 2 cars, 5 iPhones, 3 iPads, 4 computers, and 5 this a picture of an average American family? What else do they need to spend on? You can't expect unlimited growth. Unlimited growth is a cancer definition.
This is why so many Central American refugees risk their lives to come to America.

Of course. But they do have to list reasons other than wanting more money on their asylum request paperwork.

Glad the left is starting to say true things about illegal immigration out loud.