FedEx 'Modernizing' Pension Plan


Yo Scratch---you are absolutely correct---and it is a smart move for FedEx to try to keep the Teamsters out.If the FedEx employees are happy with the 401k matching funds--WHY BRING IN THE TEAMSTERS ?? To have them be in control of the pension plan--I think not!!

UPS will be offering the same thing in the next contract------UPS can no longer afford to pay into the multi employer plan and pay for all of the non-UPS Teamsters who worked for companies who are now defunct---and even though this is the best for UPS and it's employees--the TEamsters will fight it --THEY DON"T WAN'T TO LOSE CONTROL of the Pension $$$$$$$$$$$$$!!

As I remember back to 1997---UPS wanted to change the administration of the Pension Plan and control where the monies went and the Teamsters (since they had duped everyone and had to power to call astrike on it's members behalf) felt it was a strong enough issue to go on strike----Worst Mistake EVER!!!

Overnite had a 6-12% 401K match in lieu of a union pension--and the feedback on this board was that they preferred it--------so I defintiely see it in the next contract.


Well-Known Member
Oh they exist. I'd like to search for such a list but there is an even better example, proof if you will, that UPS isn't "overcompensating" us. Just look at their profit margins for Christ's sake! LOL. Look at all the money they donate to charitys, campaigns, etc. Now that would be a long list. I'm not saying that UPS gives away too much money. I'm just pointing out the fact that they have the money to give at all. And after all that they still have enormous profits.

Wow, lemme guess - you've worked at UPS as a teamster almost all your adult life?

Overcompensation has NOTHING to do with the wealth of the employer. It has to do with the market price of what it purchases.

If I have $10 million, and pay $15 for a plain ol' loaf of ordinary white bread, have I overpaid? According to you, no, I haven't....because I can afford it! This is obviously ridiculous, and it is the same with your reasoning. Just because UPS has a lot of money, and makes a lot of profits, that this proves they're not overpaying?

This is the attitude that eventually brings almost all unionized industries down. The company is not a piggy-bank, and you do not deserve more pay than the value you add to the company.

Ever wonder why drivers are being harrassed, pushed, pressured, and stressed more than ever from management? Because today's world is more competitive than ever, and UPS is paying more than they should have to for that resource. If I am forced to overpay by 20-50% for labor, then you'd better believe I'm going to be motivated to squeeze every ounce of life and productivity out of the people I pay for.

You have made it cheaper to keep a guy on overtime than hire new drivers, and so they will not decrease your workload until absolutely forced. If you were being paid market wages, this would not happen. The union brought this crap on themselves.

If you want compensation in the realm of $40/hr (wage, benefits, taxes, pension, etc.), then UPS will demand getting its money's worth in production for them to make up for that payment.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Still waiting on that list.

Feel free to search yourself. I'm not going to get into the "linking game" as if I'm trying to prove myself here. I know they exist. That is enough for me. If you are demanding a list that tells me that you don't believe me, which totally contradicts what you said before. So what gives? Or are you just being arguementive for the sake of arguing. That seems to go on allot here lately. No one can say anything without being ripped for it. It's getting bad.


Go Wilbur!! Hit a nerve--and you are right on the money(no pun intended!) when you give the example of the high cost of labor that UPS has to bear.It is much cheaper for UPS to pay overtime than put another driver on the road-----right of the bat UPS has to pay health and welfare to the union--so a new driver will cost $1000 a month--BEFORE WAGES!!!!

Unless there is a new catagory with the next contract for P/T Drivers --or relief to use utility drivers and not guaranty 4-8 hours nothing is going to change---except the fact that our competitors will keep stealing our customers away with lower rates----- because they can afford to offer lower rates because their cost to serve is much lower.As soon as UPS offers rates lower than our cost to serve--than our competitors sue us for "Predatory" pricing.

I want-----I want---I want--that is all I read on these boards----I will take $5 less an hour to go home at a decent hour?? It was nice to have the flexibility to run through your lunch and get home and see the kid's baseball/soccer game-----not any more---a mandatory 1 hour lunch because a "MINORITY " of drivers complained that they didn't have time to take a lunch--now the same ones are complaining that they are working too many hours?????


You smell that?
Feel free to search yourself. I'm not going to get into the "linking game" as if I'm trying to prove myself here. I know they exist. That is enough for me. If you are demanding a list that tells me that you don't believe me, which totally contradicts what you said before. So what gives? Or are you just being arguementive for the sake of arguing. That seems to go on allot here lately. No one can say anything without being ripped for it. It's getting bad.

So, I could just say anything I want as long as I "know" it and I don't have to back it up? That's cool.

You're not being "ripped". I just asked you to prove what you said.


Active Member
Ok smart ass. I guess the whole concept of contributing to the pension fund and matching a 401-K is just a rediculous fairy tail...OH WAIT...other companys (many of which are less "financially sound" have been doing it for decades! And my "education" on the matter is in question? LOL. Good LORD there are allot of people with a stiff hair up their asses on here. LOL. That's why I love this board. It's such the perfect little metaphor for the attitudes at UPS.

Tas,tsk,tsk You had to resort to name calling.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm off base when I resort to name calling. But when someone has to resort to being a totall smart ass in response to a comment that in no way was in insult to them nor was a challenge in any way, well, that is not only off base but more like trying to steal second while the bases are loaded.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So, I could just say anything I want as long as I "know" it and I don't have to back it up? That's cool.

You're not being "ripped". I just asked you to prove what you said.

Where does it say that EVERY comment, whether it be an opinion or even if the person thinks it's factual, has to be backed up? Is this a debate class in college? Or is it a message board? I know some of you out there look at anything that is said here that you don't agree with as some sort of challenge and feel that you have to debate it as if it had serious implications. Can't one make an observation without people expecting a thesis on the subject? Lighten up a little will ya?


New Member
If UPS made the enormous profits that you say then the stock price would reflect it. It does not make enormous profits. UPS makes adequate profits to maintain a stable business model. Unfortunately, many of us don't want UPS to make any profit. We want UPS to be a struggling YRCW or an ABFS. It is sad that many of us don't see the 23 billion dollars plus that UPS pays in wages and benefits. The amount of money that UPS pays on unsafe drivers and unsafe workers is almost equal to the profit dollar amount. Look at the dollar amount. As a team driver I see unsafe drivers and employees over many parts of the country.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hard to get something that doesn't exist. I was raised to not make stuff up.
But evidently you weren't raised on how to disprove something. Maybe your elders forgot to tell you that when you don't agree with something that you actually are aloud to find evidence disproving what you disagree with and you don't have to necessarily depend on them to find all the answers for you. And most would seem like another fact of life that was left out during your upbringing is that just because someone says something you don't agree with doesn't automatically mean they are wrong. Get over it dude. You'll live.