The problem you contractors are having is that you're torn between opposing forces. You don't want the company to cease operations but you want a much improved deal. You want an improved deal but you don't have the power to get it. You don't like the attitude Johnny Dollar Sign has toward you contractors but you're beholding to him. You would like to get out but you missed the most favorable opportunity to do so.
You're inclined to want to button down the hatches and go into an economic survival mode but you don't know if you can hold out long enough for it to get better and given the steep and potentially long term recession you don't know if it will ever get any better.
I don’t think you understand at all.
Who believes FedEx is going to cease operations let alone want them to?
I don’t know of anyone who cares one way or another what John Smith thinks. The guy is a joke and an embarrassing one at that.
At least around here, there is zero fear of letting routes sit. Zero fear of having contracts terminated.
This is all Fedex’s mess. It’s the path the eagerly ran down when they cheerfully announced the 52% dividend increase in June. One way or another, they will either fix it or they won’t. If they do and the money is good, I’ll gladly keep doing it. If it’s bad, I’ll do the minimum required to be profitable, cash the ERC checks, sell the trucks and walk away.
It’s not that hard to figure it out as soon as you accept the fact that we aren’t in a battle trying to destroy a company.