I wanted to ask my fellow browns if you think anyone would give me

if I wear Brown sweatpants to work?
The hardest part of my job as a feeder driver is just sitting in a truck for 10-12 hours and being uncomfortable. Its pretty easy besides that
I started wearing a Brown UPS hoodie sweatshirt I got off amazon a few months ago and no one has said anything about it in like 6 months and its been the balls. I think the getting some Brown sweatpants would be a game changer but I feel like thats a bigger deal. You think management will care?
I have never seen a single person do this so I have no idea, I bet it would be a no go for sure if I was package driver , but Im a Feeder I start work at midnight, I don’t really see too many people during my shift anyways
Im already ordered some, going to try it regardless. Ive yet to have management ever come after me for anything.
what do you guys think?