Hot girl summer
Hello Guys My name is Javier Gonzalez. I started working at UPS in July and was having a hard time with misloads. I was new so it was understandable. I was getting better at it as time went on. Here in the city of cypress, California I had 3 trucks a day with about 750-800 packages. There was a day where I had 10 misloads. A week went by and my misloads went from 10 down to 2 a day. It seemed like my supervisors wanted me gone. I was proud that my misloads were down but I had “talks” privately with my sups maybe 3 or four times. I called out sick one day because I had an ear infection and the pain was to much. The next day I came to work on time like I always did. I felt terrible. My ear was hurting. My stomach was churning because of my meds. I let my supervisors know that I could not concentrate on my work. I kept going back and forth from the restroom to do my business because my stomach. Turns out the next day I had 11 misloads instead of my usual 2 or 3 a day. he takes me into his office and terminates my job because of my misloads problem. I was only there for less than 2 months. He stated that he could not continue this and he had to let me go. I got verbal warning but never signed a paper, never had a steward present. I’m now fired and looking for a job and don’t know what to do. I told him I was doing my best and that day I was sick and even explained to him that I was sick, but he pointed out my 2 misloads a day and said that was the reason. He always seemed to single me out. He yelled at me for working too slow, people on my pen(row) listener to music with headphones but he told me I couldn’t listen to it. He told me that my working tactics were terrible even though people on my PENN did the same thing. Asking for help from fellow UPSers. Thank you. Also never got a notification for getting written up and fellow coworkers on my penn would have the same daily 2-3 misloads and they never got yelled at.
I don't understand. How do you keep having misloads after being talked to a bunch of times. You don't deserve your job back. You don't have right to union representation. Look for another job.