Fired for Misloads


Hot girl summer
Hello Guys My name is Javier Gonzalez. I started working at UPS in July and was having a hard time with misloads. I was new so it was understandable. I was getting better at it as time went on. Here in the city of cypress, California I had 3 trucks a day with about 750-800 packages. There was a day where I had 10 misloads. A week went by and my misloads went from 10 down to 2 a day. It seemed like my supervisors wanted me gone. I was proud that my misloads were down but I had “talks” privately with my sups maybe 3 or four times. I called out sick one day because I had an ear infection and the pain was to much. The next day I came to work on time like I always did. I felt terrible. My ear was hurting. My stomach was churning because of my meds. I let my supervisors know that I could not concentrate on my work. I kept going back and forth from the restroom to do my business because my stomach. Turns out the next day I had 11 misloads instead of my usual 2 or 3 a day. he takes me into his office and terminates my job because of my misloads problem. I was only there for less than 2 months. He stated that he could not continue this and he had to let me go. I got verbal warning but never signed a paper, never had a steward present. I’m now fired and looking for a job and don’t know what to do. I told him I was doing my best and that day I was sick and even explained to him that I was sick, but he pointed out my 2 misloads a day and said that was the reason. He always seemed to single me out. He yelled at me for working too slow, people on my pen(row) listener to music with headphones but he told me I couldn’t listen to it. He told me that my working tactics were terrible even though people on my PENN did the same thing. Asking for help from fellow UPSers. Thank you. Also never got a notification for getting written up and fellow coworkers on my penn would have the same daily 2-3 misloads and they never got yelled at.

I don't understand. How do you keep having misloads after being talked to a bunch of times. You don't deserve your job back. You don't have right to union representation. Look for another job.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
I don't understand. How do you keep having misloads after being talked to a bunch of times. You don't deserve your job back. You don't have right to union representation. Look for another job.
Go away.
Clearly this a training issue. Management failed to train him properly
Management failed to treat him with dignity and respect.
You are Management
You are the ENEMY

PT Package

PT Package
Not sure this post is even worthy of a reply but here it goes.
1. If the job really meant that much to you you should have read your contract and talked with your steward to see what it would take to get and keep the job.
2. I know for a fact that So Cal has a 3 month probation period. The fact that you were miss loading during the probation period tells them that you were going to be doing it after you were unionized. If it was that bad during the summer you would have been a nightmare to management during peak.
3. Scan every package, and write your hin numbers. It takes a few weeks to get it down but the fact is if you scan every package and wear your scanner belt. The alarm goes off when you bring the package into the wrong car. This saved my but so many times. I had 0 miss loads during my probation period. Even after that I only had them if someone else loaded part of my car in which case there was no way it was being pinned on me.
4. You might be able to get back in as a seasonal but I doubt it. They keep a record that tells them if you are able to be rehired or not. Besides I’m not sure you want to unless you are willing to work like a dog and get the job done and get it done correctly. You have to treat Preload like a trip to the gym. Take some pride in your work and improve.
Hope you find another job soon
Best of luck and if you ever get to work at UPS again I hope you give it all you got
We don’t have scanners for our trucks

Laguna Preload

Well-Known Member
One time they gave me scanner to test out if they should have them in every truck for the center. I had 0 misloads that day. They never gave me the scanner back
Well that’s on them. I know that happens in the center I work at as well. All depends on your supervisor. One time all the scanners stoped working in our building during peak. My Sup was walking up and down the pens talking with people he was so worried that day. There was like 600 mis loads in the whole building I still didn’t have one but my Sup was worried.
That’s a bummer they should have had you scanning and writing hins sounds like you had some sups that didn’t give a crap and you paid the price.


Well-Known Member
I feel like 10 mis loads a week/day is alot. I think my loader has had 1 in the last 2 months. I've been missing pieces but she has only given me 1 in months