First day as a loader and want to quit


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm the only person who think this job is pretty easy...

or is it because I had experience at FedEx

its easier here because I can stack side by side

FedEx wanted t-stacking


Well-Known Member
The first few weeks are rough. As your body adjusts (and you have to push your body so it will adjust) it will get less painful and the job will get easier. Before you quit, think about it.


Probably the best paying part time job there is (not saying the pay is in scale for the work, but it is good paying for a pt job)
Yearly raises guarenteed
Larger raises than most other jobs (at my other job, I will be getting the max % raise next Feb...a whopping $0.23 on my 9yr anniversary)
Great benefits for free (you may not need them now, but you might in the future. At my other job the employees have to pay for the healthcare [$3500/$5000 deductible] + dental [$1200 yearly max] + eye roughly $160 A WEEK for family coverage.
Chance to eventually go full time
Full-time jobs (PCD) can be better paying than a number of Associate degree and some bachelor degree jobs
Pensions when you retire

The job can be extremely physical

I started here when I was 30. I really wish I could go back and have started when I was 18. I would be out of driver progression at this point making $33+ an hour.


Livin the cardboard dream
Good lord...let the girl have some integrity. If you want to quit then do it the right way. Tell them an hour or even two before the shift so they can get someone to cover your spot. Good luck wherever else you go.

Go Brown Or Go Home!

Well-Known Member
Do it!! Dont be such a wuss!! Do it I say DO IT!! Quit that is!
What are you 18 and have no work ethic yet? Do you think I enjoy waking up at 3am everyday when I have 2 kids and wife at home? Not seeing them in the morning, yea thats awsome. So lets see go work ups for 4 to 5 hours then go to my full time job straight after that and your worried how hard the work is. Good god if my son ever says something like that im gonna fire him threw the front door along with his suitcase!

sent using smoke signals