Man of Great Wisdom
It took us a while to actually find the debate. Kept looking on the local Fox station. Didn't know there was a Fox News Channel.
There isn't a Fox News channel. It's now an official Fox Opinion channel. Their lawyers argued this in court to weasel out of an defamation lawsuit in Milwaukee.It took us a while to actually find the debate. Kept looking on the local Fox station. Didn't know there was a Fox News Channel.
Purdy much the norm here..The difference is Fox has its opinion shows in prime time and balanced news the rest of the day. Instead of 24 hours of opinions and slanted stories on the other "news" channels.
This wasnt a debate.
A debate is where one question is asked, and each candidate gets a chance to answer it, and the audience determines who answers the questions in the best manner that suits their individual beliefs.
FOX news format of "trash" journalism in asking "individual" questions intended on embarrasssing the candidate wasnt any kind of debate at all.
What FOX news did, was to prove what a "partisan hack" it really is.
I am not a fan of Megyn Kelly's political leanings, but the one area she has consistently broken with theTrump wants answers as to "why" he was asked the questions he was asked by FOX's megyn kelly.
Barack and Hillary had some great reactions to the GOP debate...!
People have some suggestions for Megyn Kelly for the next debate! Accordingly, they go along with the intelligence of the FOX audience.
This is what you get when you have an entertainment channel "entering" the political theater for 2016.- I am sure the producers have the same issues - guest screaming at each other, the worry about saying something strange.... Actually, they both want the same thing - guests to scream at each other and saying strange things - they are about ratings not rationale. They are for getting viewers, not educating viewers.Fox New Debate Targets Donald Trump, But Can They Stop Him?
Republican machine finally tries to call off the smug monster it created...
The difference is Fox has its opinion shows in prime time and balanced news the rest of the day. Instead of 24 hours of opinions and slanted stories on the other "news" channels.
LOFL!! "Fair and balanced?" By the way, the "debate" was very intentional in trying to reign-in Trump. Now that I've heard most of it, the GOP was doing it's incompetent best to bring The Donald into the fold.
Now, Trump's ego, stupid comments on Ms. Kelly, and general bombastic idiocy have loosened the lug nuts on the wheels of his bus, which are about to come-off. When they do, his party will have already tossed him underneath.
Which is where this pompous ASS belongs!
It was a mistake for him to openly take on Fox News, they have way too much influence within the party. Trump's like a wounded bull now, he can still lash out but the wolves are circling and we all know how it's gonna end.
Won't happen....with Trump running as an Independent which then hands the keys to the White House to Hillary....
Won't happen.
He's likely just posturing in an attempt to force people to take him seriously as a candidate. I wouldn't be surprised to see him leverage the threat of an independent run into some kind of cabinet appointment.
NEWS FLASHwhat a shocker, the audience at the FOX news debate was predominately WHITE.
This is consistent with the FOX news audience in general, however, you CANT win an election for the white house with just WHITE people.
Without diversity, the republican party is finished. Ben Carson looked like a raisin in milk last night on the stage.
That 1% isnt enough to bring the GOP to a party of the "people".
He vying for the President's PR position?I'm not convinced he's really serious in wanting the job. Big pay cut and control over his assets goes into a blind trust? And he wants this? Can't believe he does. I still think he's out for something else. Another form of payoff. And it's not to throw the election to Hillary either or play that game. Nor for a cabinet job.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. The "debate" was in prime time and never claimed to be a news show. I definitely agree the Fox moderators did a lousy job and were out to get Trump but that is another issue. Trumps response was typical Donald so I doubt that surprised anyone.