First victory in UPS/MBE lawsuit goes to the franchisees of MBE



Who died and left you boss, put a sock in it. Your actions on the board as beegdadday and here as tieguy show that you have been the one on the attack hurling insults at any who disagree with you. This board and the yahoo board are not sponsored, controlled or endorsed by UPS.

Therefore, your opinion is worth no more than mine.

>>I really don't care what you have said to me or how you have said it. Your actions on the yahoo board have shown your determined to be selfish and disrupt message boards to feed your own perverted sense of justice. I am a upser on a ups board you are and always will be an unwelcome guest.<<


Thank you, interested!

>>Don't let him scare you off Loyalmbe. Everyone is welcome here.

Your viewpoints are as relavent and informative as anyone else. As long as you represent yourself here in a manner commensurate with professionalism and courtesy, you will find that there are many on this board that will be happy to
exchange information with you.<<


C'mon Tie be equitable about this.

If you can honestly say that you have not been disruptive on this board or others that you post on it would be different. Everybody has a right to their opinions, we hope that those opinions can be given in a respectful and professional manner. When they are not, there is not a lot anybody can do about it. Cheryl has recently refreshed the policy on spirited adult debate, but that will only go so far.

If you think that you are not guilty of the same violations, then fine condemn whomever you like-if you are, then allow him/her to post-you can always ignore them.


When Loyal bought his store, Im sure he did it to be in business for himself and earn a living, not pledge loyalty to UPS. In staying an MBE, that shows that he wants control of his business and did not want what UPS has to offer with the GS agreement. Even if he did, why does a UPS Store have to pledge loyalty to UPS? UPS does not pay us a salary, provide medical coverage and a pension as they do for their real employees. They want contractors to increase UPS revenue for a small compensation. For all the ribbing FDXG drivers get about their similar situation, its funny UPS is going a similar route with the UPS Store.


capnroxxor wrote:

"When Loyal bought his store, Im sure he did it to be in business for himself and earn a living, not pledge loyalty to UPS. In staying an MBE, that shows that he wants control of his business and did not want what UPS has to offer with the GS agreement. Even if he did, why does a UPS Store have to pledge loyalty to UPS?

MBE corporation chose to sell their business to UPS, this included their interest in franchises. Pledging loyalty to one corporation or another in this situation is rather niave. It seems that the us against them attitude of a few people has made it a personal issue for them clouding their thoughts with emotion. This is a corporate relationship, not tribal warfare. Business decisions are made best from an analytical point of view.

If one wanted to be totally independent why would they buy a franchise rather than start up a business unencumbered by the rules and regulations of a franchise agreement? People buying franchises are looking for advertising exposure, administrative support, brand recognition etc. There are many advantages to buying a franchise but total autonomy is not one of them.

It is unfortunate that not all parent corporations that sell franchises can perpetually maintain the original form of the organization. Many actually go out of business leaving their franchisees high and dry. Starting a business is a gamble and buying a franchise is a way to hedge your bet, it doesn't guarantee success. If I recall correctly MBE's parent company was floundering financially and it could not have survived in it's existing form whether UPS bought it or not. In my opinion the franchise owners are fortunate that they have this opportunity.

(Message edited by vic on October 18, 2003)


I have no answers Tie. Only opinion, interest in discussion and an open mind to new ideas. I am no different than you and others and my opinions carry no more weight or conviction than the next persons.

Remember Tie-It were not best that we all should think alike; it is difference of opinion that makes horse-races-Mark Twain.

As far as following you around, I will post on this board and others as I see fit-As we ALL have the right to within the specific guidelines of spirited debate and conscientious disagreement.

That includes, but is not limited to, giving my opinion on any subject that you also see fit to give an opinion on.

How's that.


Good feel free to give your opinion. Leave me out of it. I've had with your efforts to reform me. Fix your ERI and then come back and tell me how a management person should behave.



I am unsure as to how you think I am trying to reform you. I am giving you my opinion on your posting. You in turn post on my opinions and debate is born!

I don't have to agree with your exegesis of a certain topic and you don't have to agree with mine. But that does not mean that we can't learn from each other.

Why do you respond in such a personal fashion to contrary opinions? We have discussed this type of attitude earlier and how it inhibits open debate.

People who would normally post their opinion on a subject may hang back because they fear being singled out and ridiculed for their opinions. This keeps valuable insight out of our mindset and detracts from the effectiveness of these venues.

I don't get it.


Cheryl I think I may have violated your new rules on this thread. I think you should delete the entire thread to punish me.....


Tieguy says

>>Cheryl I think I may have violated your new rules on this thread. I think you should delete the entire thread to punish me.....<<

Now that makes a lot of sense, sort of like, blow up the bridge because somebody was speeding.

Why not just delete your offensive posts and not post on this thread anymore. There are plenty of others you could post on or you could even start a new one.

You not only want to take your ball and go home, you want the score erased, the park returned to nature and all evidence that a game could be played there removed, and just because you could not play the game well enough to win.

I hope Cheryl reviews the entire thread from start to finish and concludes who derailed it.


Well tie, that ought to show you that profanity and name calling isnt the best way to handle this situation. Other posters on this thread stated they were going to ignore us and have the maturity to stick to thier guns. You seem to be the last one trolling and being rude in some attempt to drag us all down with you. Please show some maturity and either post some relevent topics on this subject or ignore us as some others have. This reminds me of people who spend so much time trying to control or remove what is on the radio or television when the power is already in their hands. The dial.


I'm sorry did someone say something all I heard was tears and sobbing.


All im saying to you until you have a valid argument to make is that I dont see any of my posts deleted for inappropriate content. I dont intend on making personal attacks on posters with different opinions. I would like to discuss issues with UPS people and if you do not want to contribute, that is fine and totally your choice.


Okie Dokie there Capn We are going to make sure you get one attaboy for not being able to force your agenda on this board. I'm sure that will change though won't it Capn?


tieguy says:

"I'm sorry did someone say something all I heard was tears and sobbing."

I ask:

where did you hear this?

none is so blind as he that will not see!


theres some great dialogue going on right now on the yahoo board about MBE's price gouging.


>>theres some great dialogue going on right now on the yahoo board about MBE's price gouging.<<

And you think MBE's are price gouging. UPS is happily collecting their percentage of every thing that an MBE charges their customer.

Now, isn't that unconscionable?


Seems like I am posting over there, too! I wonder who opened an account there for me today? I love innocent ID theft.