Can't stand it can you.
Called me out and I
YOU are checking on me while
YOU hide behind the keyboard. That's a safe play, no
RISK in that at all.
It is what it is...don't tell me...
SHOW me.
oh...I forgot...whatever
I haven't checked you out, but it would be really easy, because you've provided your address, zip code of your residence, the station you work for, and even the asset # you drive. You've also indicated that your wife is an employee and that you have a Facebook page. Need I go on? Should I tell you how stupid it is to toss all of your info out there like an open book? You say you are/were a cop....even Barney Fife would know not to spread all his sheet all over the Internet. Oh, and we also know what your business is. If I wanted to rob your house, I could do it while you're out delivering, and I would even know where Fido is (by the cement pond), so I could take him out first. Geez.