That’s bs… about as bad as drivers taking their lunch while driving back to the Bldg…. The next contract we need to push for every location to lock out the diad for lunch…we need to stop screwing ourselves!
We just went to DIAD 6 and it does lock out during meal break. During paid break you can view manifest but you can't even do that during your unpaid meal break. This is a good move IMHO. I will admit to being guilty of skipping lunch for several months now since qualifying, mainly for the same reason that a lot of guys here are saying - just to get home a half hour earlier. I dont code it in and it doesn't get taken out of my time. I DONT WORK THROUGH MY LUNCH AND I DONT WORK OFF THE CLOCK. Just wanted to make that clear. I dont run, I dont gun, i just show up and work all day. I'm not missing out on extra OT by doing this as I am in Central and the supplement clearly states that only paid-for time will be used to compute overtime. Trust if I was under a supplement that did pay the overtime as soon as you hit 8 with lunch included I never would have skipped a minute. But I've got kids at home and I like seeing them before they go to bed ya know.
However after looking into this over the past few days I think it's time to start coding lunch despite it not making me any extra dough. It's not that I need the break, it's all the other points made by you guys in here. Management will just pile work on you until you can't make air recovery without working all day and skipping lunch. Also the other big one that resonates with me is that you are robbing some dude of a job if 16 drivers don't take their lunch. Thats a whole 8 hour day for someone who needs the money. After all we are TEAMsters right?
Also I follow the methods 100% except for not taking lunch, so I'm not following 100%. Time to start doing this because I want to above reproach when it comes to doing this job and not taking a lunch is a contract violation. So let's go take a lunch guys.
Yeah yeah I know no one cares about my life but I needed to put this down to process it. Thanks for your time.