Thorny enough to get elected and re-elected by record margins. Feels very satisfying but you wouldn't understand that as you're firmly planted on the sidelines.
Now this may be really embarassing to you but the CRT says "named" not legal as is clearly posted by touchdown scoring Bubblehead in post 389. You quoted that post (and you call out my reading comprehension).
Come on man, there's lots of feck in my debate...
My interpretation is based on how the process works and what would convince an arbitrator (likely never get that far) with an issue that's been written over 40 years ago. Not much chance of anyone who negotiated that language being able to testify, so then bargaining notes, available to the colluders, but not BC lawyers, are used.
But don't let those pesky facts get in your way Sandstorm, I'm sure you'll blow the house down.
Sorry Boss, I got to go see a man about a horse. Be back next week.
Alrighty gamey, point for your side. Around 1am I get a little fuzzy and missed the fact that the CRT was the supplement bubbles quoted. Hate to disappoint you though, but I don't feel even a tinge of embarassment.
I do appreciate your lavishing me with your dazzling interpretation of your self-worth and obvious appeal to the masses though. Certainly humility abounds.
Now I won't disagree that historical documents are likely scarce, they have a tendency to evaporate faster than a Teamster pension fund. I also agree that ancient "negotiators" are equally scarce. Sadly, for the Central Region then, is that they are more deeply gigged by their alleged defenders than some other locals with more firm language and discernable intent.
I'll also offer that Bubblehead's understanding of the meaning of the "required" clause as it relates to the overall original intent could be a difficult argument.
Unfortunately, you seem to think that the only recourse an employee has is the fabled grievance procedure. Note that all matters large and small do not end in reconcilliation through this process, and dependent upon the nature of the beast, it may eventually be slain by more authoritarian means.
When you finish your date with the man and horse, please take a moment and share with your numerous fans here and elsewhere the language I have asked you (or anyone) to produce that condemns the various supplements to servitude in this matter. You could be on a roll...You certainly got a point for proving the Central Region was likely tossed under the bus.
Also ponder the meaning of the "personal hoilday", and a valid comparison of it to the "legal holiday" some supplements appear to enjoy. I'm a little unclear how a personal holiday can be awarded and irrevocable by virtue of a signed approved request, yet a legal holiday can be revoked. It might make more sense to me if I could find some defined criteria for application or denial of the "legal" benefit, but as my reading comprehension is apparently dwarfed by your own, see if you can help me out.
As for where I'm "planted", that's yet to be seen. Keep poking though. I grow best when the soil is well turned.
Thanks mucho.