Forcing Thanksgiving Holiday Work Is The Beginning Of The End


Well-Known Member
Am I glad you hate to nit-pik. Imagine the thorn in the side you could be with a little ambition.
Thorny enough to get elected and re-elected by record margins. Feels very satisfying but you wouldn't understand that as you're firmly planted on the sidelines.
Wanna bet the CRT says the same? Report back to me on that, would ya?
Now this may be really embarassing to you but the CRT says "named" not legal as is clearly posted by touchdown scoring Bubblehead in post 389. You quoted that post (and you call out my reading comprehension).
Given your propensity to engage in ambiguity and feckless debate, I will forego further discussion of your keen observations concerning the Article 15 - Sec.1 and 4. I think that has been satisfactorily explained by another poster already anyway.

Your interpretation is only parroting of the party line. It will not stand the test of law. As a matter of fact, the entire posture of the union and the company on this issue reeks of collusion and stands as illogical and counterintuitive.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Come on man, there's lots of feck in my debate...
My interpretation is based on how the process works and what would convince an arbitrator (likely never get that far) with an issue that's been written over 40 years ago. Not much chance of anyone who negotiated that language being able to testify, so then bargaining notes, available to the colluders, but not BC lawyers, are used.
But don't let those pesky facts get in your way Sandstorm, I'm sure you'll blow the house down.

Sorry Boss, I got to go see a man about a horse. Be back next week.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Misery loves company ,been working Black Friday under Article 40 for 17 years welcome aboard. Wait until you are working until after 9 PM on Christmas Eve while your family is home celebrating.


Misery loves company ,been working Black Friday under Article 40 for 17 years welcome aboard. Wait until you are working until after 9 PM on Christmas Eve while your family is home celebrating.
Last Christmas Eve I punched out at 11pm , it is so wierd to be out that late and see all the family's having a good time

We don't do Christmas in our house anymore so I came home and went to bed

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
The entire mess might have been avoided if it had been presented as "we are considering running a full operation the day after Thansgiving and are taking sign-ups to see how much staffing we might have if we do it"
"If you are an Employee entitled to paid Holidays, you will get your Holiday pay, plus the ectra $ your Supplement provides for"
Seasonal, and those with less than a year and no paid Holidays might have jumped on it to get a full 5 day work week, the rest of us would have the option to work it or not.


Happy Verified UPSer
The entire mess might have been avoided if it had been presented as "we are considering running a full operation the day after Thansgiving and are taking sign-ups to see how much staffing we might have if we do it"
"If you are an Employee entitled to paid Holidays, you will get your Holiday pay, plus the ectra $ your Supplement provides for"
Seasonal, and those with less than a year and no paid Holidays might have jumped on it to get a full 5 day work week, the rest of us would have the option to work it or not.
I agree whole heartily with you. however you are asking our fearless leaders to use common sense.


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Baby ocra pig vomit needs to shop
I think there is one day where she could do without her lava lamp and cheetah printed snuggie pajama pants. Then again you could be right...there might be an emergency situation requiring new leather suspenders....


Well-Known Member
I'm feeders with a Sunday start so I don't work Fridays. My day off for holiday would be Wednesday night and thanksgiving. If iam required to work on Wednesday my day off which runs into thanksgiving morning does the holiday pay still apply even though I didn't work on Friday.


Active Member
There's a HUGE sign as U walk into our building that says " the day after thanksgiving is going to be a full operational work day for ALL employees. Oh well holiday pay plus time and 1/2. I'm cool with that.