Full-time wage progression inside/inside 22.3


Joe Biden is The Big Guy
Not on the pension alone.

Its more than just staying PT.

FT retirees get dental and vision PT do not.


My building has the 30 yr plus dudes fighting for a combo job , myself included. Your lucky to get one with such little time. Full time package is impossible now and nobody will make it 30 yrs .The raises will come, enjoy your easy money
I had no idea. From the talk around the hub, I thought 14yrs. was crazy. All the bids that suddenly popped up seemed to come right after we voted in a new slate. There was a lot of talk about that. I have no idea if any of it was legit though.


Joe Biden is The Big Guy
I doubt if an 11 year FT pension is worth more then a 25 year PT pension. $1250 a month at any age and $1500 a month after 60 for 25 years PT.

He takes combined service credit for a partial service pension. 25 and out.

14/25 of the PT
11/25 of the FT

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The 25, 30, 35 and out are at any age. No reduction.
There is a reduction in the 25 year PT pension. $1250/mo under age 60 and $1500/mo over 60. You have to hit the 25,30 or 35 year in one pension or the other to qualify. If you could put the two together without a Huge penalty, I know of a lot of Art. 22.3 would have been gone long ago.


Well-Known Member
The 1250 at 25 for PT has nothing to do with the 6% reduction.

You do not need 25/30/35 in one plan or the other you can combine service credit.

If you have 15 in the PT plan and 10 in the FT plan you can retire at any age with no reduction.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The 1250 at 25 for PT has nothing to do with the 6% reduction.

You do not need 25/30/35 in one plan or the other you can combine service credit.

If you have 15 in the PT plan and 10 in the FT plan you can retire at any age with no reduction.
If it sounds too good to be true? I remember receiving a disk or something that explained combining PT and FT pensions and there was a 6% reduction for every year you were under 65. Because you had not hit those milestones of 25, 30, or 35. There would have been a lot of Art 22.3 already retired if they could collect their full amount.


New Member
“Part-time employees whose rates are higher than those set forth above who bid into a full-time inside job created after July 31, 1997 shall be paid their current inside wage rate plus the general wage increases. Other employees who bid into a full-time inside job created after July 31, 1997 will be paid their current wage rate until such time as the calculated progression rate set forth below exceeds that rate.”
Question>> I had to wait 14 years to get offered a full-time position and being told I have wait 4 more years locked into my current part-time rate with no wage increases. Reading the contract statement above doesn’t explain anything as to which category I fall into. “Other employees”?? Have been told by my BA that the general wage increases don’t apply to me but not why or where in the contract this is explained. Having a hard time believing that my union agreed to this 4 year freeze and need clarification. Thanks
Yes, you’re red circled until the progression rate is above your current rate. I just signed for a 22.3 inside FT job after 18 years PT. So I’ll be red circled for a while (not sure progression rate) but maybe for the entire 4 years? Even with that said, you’ll have benefits over those with less time. You pick vacations before them. Your personal days are approved before a lesser employee. FT (my local) gives $180 a month for pension instead of $60 for PT….so once you get there it’ll be worth it. It really stinks for the time being but it’s a long run plan.