Gas Prices


Für Meno :)
I did recalculate it, and it's actually minus 45.6C, (minus 50.08 friend), that a bottle of "Polar Ice" Vodka will freeze (40% alcohol).

( -114C x 40%) - (0C x 60%) divide by 100% (total content)
minus 4560 - 0 divide by 100 = minus 45.60C (minus 50.08 friend)

And that's why you really don't need to put liquor on ice, just keep the bottle in the freezer :)


Well-Known Member
I did recalculate it, and it's actually minus 45.6C, (minus 50.08 friend), that a bottle of "Polar Ice" Vodka will freeze (40% alcohol).

( -114C x 40%) - (0C x 60%) divide by 100% (total content)
minus 4560 - 0 divide by 100 = minus 45.60C (minus 50.08 friend)

And that's why you really don't need to put liquor on ice, just keep the bottle in the freezer :)



OK, I'll admit I'm just trying to get trplnkl to spew coke up his nose again!

Guilty as hell!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
My BMW swallowed 94.75 yesterday but that was not my biggest shock. My boat needed its spring fillup --500 gallons of diesel --on the water 5.40 a gallon--I thought my credit card melted !!

Holy crap!!! Diesel is 4.04 a gallon here. At 5.40 a gallon i would call that theft!!!
My BMW swallowed 94.75 yesterday but that was not my biggest shock. My boat needed its spring fillup --500 gallons of diesel --on the water 5.40 a gallon--I thought my credit card melted !!
What? Is it the Queen Frickin' Mary??? I know, you can host the next Brown Cafe Cruise. we'll all chip in on the fuel.


Engorged Member
My BMW swallowed 94.75 yesterday but that was not my biggest shock. My boat needed its spring fillup --500 gallons of diesel --on the water 5.40 a gallon--I thought my credit card melted !!

A boat and a Beemer. Think your high union wages have anything to do with that? Nah...


Retired 23 years
My BMW swallowed 94.75 yesterday but that was not my biggest shock. My boat needed its spring fillup --500 gallons of diesel --on the water 5.40 a gallon--I thought my credit card melted !!

I filled up my 50cc Yamaha Razz scooter yesterday. That set me back about $1.75. I have to fill that pig up about 3 times a year.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its amazing how nobody blames the speculators for the gouging of the american consumers. Oil companies will be posting profits this week for the first qtr and PROFITS are expected to reach NEW RECORDS.

With NEW profit RECORDS, we should be outraged at OIL COMPANIES and not politicians.

Our system of speculation is hurting this country and wall street doesnt seem to care.



Für Meno :)
Why not be outraged at OPEC ???

Whlie you're at it, blame them for the high wheat, sugar, coffee, cocoa, silver, and gold prices, too.
Blame them on to why a fall in the American currency, equals more dollars to buy such items !

This is just the beginning, a warning from the Britsh finance minister to the US this morning on CNN :

If the US congress just keeps talking about reducing the deficit, and does nothing, you'll see inflation like never before !
The recent Standards and Poor report should have rang alarm bells, he also added.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Under BUSH, opec said it was producing at 99.9% of capacity, and we were told by BUSH that it was a supply vs demand issue and oil rose to almost 150 a barrel and fuel per gallon went to 5 dollars at that cost. TODAY opec is operating at only 75% of capacity, there is a ton of oil in the world and in this country, and yet at 110 a barrel fuel prices are at 4.50 a gallon, How does this figure and how does this place blame on opec?

OPEC has already said it would increase production to offset the loss of world oil because of the turmoil in libya but its our oil companies that are rejecting that request.

OPEC has nothing to do with the current costs of our fuel. WALL STREET once again is getting the free pass as many oil investors are making millions on the backs of a weak nation (ours).



Strength through joy
(FOX News) – Shell Oil Company has announced it must scrap efforts to drill for oil this summer in the Arctic Ocean off the northern coast of Alaska. The decision comes following a ruling by the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to withhold critical air permits. The move has angered some in Congress and triggered a flurry of legislation aimed at stripping the EPA of its oil drilling oversight.
Shell has spent five years and nearly $4 billion dollars on plans to explore for oil in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The leases alone cost $2.2 billion. Shell Vice President Pete Slaiby says obtaining similar air permits for a drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico would take about 45 days. He’s especially frustrated over the appeal board’s suggestion that the Arctic drill would somehow be hazardous for the people who live in the area. “We think the issues were really not major,” Slaiby said, “and clearly not impactful for the communities we work in.”
The closest village to where Shell proposed to drill is Kaktovik, Alaska. It is one of the most remote places in the United States. According to the latest census, the population is 245 and nearly all of the residents are Alaska natives. The village, which is 1 square mile, sits right along the shores of the Beaufort Sea, 70 miles away from the proposed off-shore drill site.
The EPA’s appeals board ruled that Shell had not taken into consideration emissions from an ice-breaking vessel when calculating overall greenhouse gas emissions from the project. Environmental groups were thrilled by the ruling.
At stake is an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil. That’s how much the U. S. Geological Survey believes is in the U.S. portion of the Arctic Ocean. For perspective, that represents two and a half times more oil than has flowed down the Trans Alaska pipeline throughout its 30-year history. That pipeline is getting dangerously low on oil. At 660,000 barrels a day, it’s carrying only one-third its capacity.
Production on the North Slope of Alaska is declining at a rate of about 7 percent a year. If the volume gets much lower, pipeline officials say they will have to shut it down.
Its amazing how nobody blames the speculators for the gouging of the american consumers. Oil companies will be posting profits this week for the first qtr and PROFITS are expected to reach NEW RECORDS.

With NEW profit RECORDS, we should be outraged at OIL COMPANIES and not politicians.

Our system of speculation is hurting this country and wall street doesnt seem to care.

So what do you propose to rectify this problem?

I don't understand where anyone gets the idea that speculators are not, at very least part of, the cause of oil prices. I don't think it is all the speculators nor do I think it is a supply/demand issue.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its a money issue trip. Millions of dollars at stake for the investors and speculators. Why should they care if the country falls on its face with high oil/fuel prices? They have enough money to pay 20 bucks a gallon. They dont feel the pain as normal americans do.

The "free market" is at work here. Screwing us all in the process.. Other countries who subsidize their nations oil sell fuel for as little as 19 cents a gallon while we are told to let capitalism work and pay 5 bucks a gallon.

Our oil should be taken OFF the commodities market. Period.

Oil should not be more than 25 bucks a barrel at any given time. At that rate, there are huge profits to be made. Anything over that is pure greed.
