Gas Prices


Für Meno :)
Alberta gains about $100 million for each dollar increase in the price of a barrel of oil.

How much did it increase ? About $50 a barrel.
That's an extra $5 Billion for this 3 Million populated province ! :)


Well-Known Member
Had we followed the ideas of Rudolph Diesel to this day, I wonder where we'd be and how much different our world would actually look?

1)Would the Middle East even matter?

2)Would there even be an al Qaeda?

3)Would the price of a barrel of oil be nearly next to nothing?

4)Why would we even need to drill in the Gulf of Mexico and for what?

5)Since everyone loves for gov't to do something, should a new national energy policy consider the early ideas of Diesel as a means of national independence and sustainability?

6)Are we willing to walk away from a commodity that makes our dollar the global reserve currency in order to allow local communities to excel towards it's own best allocation of resources that grows local independence and sustainability?

7)Are we willing to consider an energy idea whereby even the poorest of communities in mutual concert together grow their own means of cheaper energy?

8)Are we willing to set an example showing a low cost method to the rest of world that might break them from their current energy starvation?

9)When it comes to energy, why is it that we don't have a true free market in all manner of energy source and who would be behind preventing such a true American ideal from coming forth?


golden ticket member
No matter what the reason for the gas price climb, when Obama took office, gas was $1.83 a gal. and as it continues to go up, his chances of re-election go down. It doesn't matter if it's his fault or not.


Für Meno :)
No matter what the reason for the gas price climb, when Obama took office, gas was $1.83 a gal. and as it continues to go up, his chances of re-election go down. It doesn't matter if it's his fault or not.

So, he should do anything he can , like Bush and trigger a huge financial meltdown and recession.
That will lower gas prices again.


Für Meno :)
As much as I like the bio-diesel approach. It's not archievable for every day use. Maybe for the trucks, cars should be electric.

There is just not enough food on this planet now, to burn it.
The Chinese and Indians are getting sick of eating rice. They want some goodies from other countries, like I enjoy a Hawaiin pineapple or a Californian orange.
They want frenchfries (need veggie oil to fry them), other potato products, corn, and all those goodies.
Besides, the worlds population is still growing at a rapid amount.

I already seen some news articles, about the northern US, and using corn for bio-diesel.
People aren't happy about it, because they have less corn, and pay more for it.
Corn, just a few years ago, was 10cents a cob, I got really lucky to get it for 25cents a piece last year, but normally it was 35-50cents.

Really, using good farmland for fuel, is not quite the answer.

I heard Florida has a new turbo engine, that actually runs on bio-diesel, created from orange peels.
Now, that's a thought. Use the leftovers of fruits and veggies to make bio-diesel. Like pototo skin, from a frozen frenchfry factory, or grape skins (pulp) from wineries, etc.


Well-Known Member
The Chinese and Indians are getting sick of eating rice. They want some goodies from other countries, like I enjoy a Hawaiin pineapple or a Californian orange.
They want frenchfries (need veggie oil to fry them), other potato products, corn, and all those goodies.

I'm sure Saudi Arabia would get sick of eating sand if we commanded the same price for our goodies as they do for theirs.


Für Meno :)
So klien when China starts dumping their dollar reserves, will Canada be buying ?

No, unlikely, the last data I know, is that we only hold $32 billion in foreign currency reserves. That won't even get the US past a day.
Besides, we have our own debt to pay off.
And if China does dump them, they will be considered junk bonds - like Greece ! - Atleast you know what's comming ! :)

Just thought I would add another little fact:
The Canadian dollar is used as a reserve currency around the world and is currently ranked 6th in value held as reserves.
Concerns about the United States of America's increasing debt levels in recent years have caused the Canadian dollar to become more widely held as an international reserve currency, as countries try to decrease their US dollar-denominated reserves.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Seriously though...if you go online you can find Bio-diesel kits for around 3grand. I wish i could use one but the new gen diesels cant use any more than 2%.:sad-little:


Für Meno :)
Well, I was out and about today, and again to my surprise, they went down buy another penny per liter, now standing at $1.08.9/ltr (C$4.12/gallon)


golden ticket member

Thursday, April 28, 2011
AAEC Ref Num: 98399© 2011


Für Meno :)
Well, that was short lived, heard a radio announcement today, gas prices were jumping up 8 cents per liter (30 cents a gallon), and I managed to get gas in a full line-up at Safeway, just before the raise (other fuel stations were already up).

Got a full tank of gas now, should last me hopefully a month (35 gallon tank).


Für Meno :)
I don't even know why Moreluck bitches. She only drives once per week max, with a small mini, and she might spend a dollar more per week now.

Should the rest of the world blame Obama for their countries high gas prices, too ?

$4.55/3 here as of today !


golden ticket member
I own lots of stock in UPS and they seem to use quite a bit of of the costs that affects the price of the stock!!

I was 'bitching' because our prez. is just looking to spend more $$$$ saying the prices will come down if the WH increases spending....I wasn't blaming's Obama who's blaming the lack of you read left to right in Canada?


Für Meno :)
Sounds to me UPS is making a good profit, charging fuel surcharges that go beyond their means.

Just read the latest quarter results.


The Nim
I don't even know why Moreluck bitches. She only drives once per week max, with a small mini, and she might spend a dollar more per week now.

Should the rest of the world blame Obama for their countries high gas prices, too ?

$4.55/3 here as of today !

Well even if More doesn't drive much the cost of fuel also raises the cost of food supplies as well. Heck the cost of fuel raises the price of just about everything as it's used in some way in the process, either manufacturing or transportation.