What you said here is exactly the problem with people who dont understand how the price of oil works. Your "sources" continue to preach a narrative that tells you that "supply" is the reason for high prices, yet, what they DONT tell you is that we are OVER SUPPLIED right now and our country has more oil than it can consume.
In California alone, for example, our suppliers here are OVERSTOCKED with refined fuel and that should bring the prices down in California, yet, instead, to hold prices HIGHER, they simply sell the overage to MEXICO and keep the supply levels down to a 30 level.
This has been discussed OVER and OVER since 2012, yet, NONE of you talk about it. WKMAC is correct is saying that MORELUCK made a choice to live in a pricey part of so cal, and the price for that choice is higher fuel prices. She could drive 20 miles north into Anaheim and gas prices could be as much as .25 cents cheaper.
We have ENOUGH oil already, but its the traders who in conjunction with the oil companies set the prices and make a ton of money. They dont care about the economy, they dont care that people hurt with fuel prices, its the new free market system.
You want more drilling in a period where we cant even store any more crude.
Political rhetoric sounds great if you dont understand what is really going on with oil. The republicans will continue to assist the oil companies in making as much money as possible by promoting more drilling so that oil can be sold OVERSEAS.
There is NO reason prices should be this high with inventories as high as they are and consumption down as it is.
Another pipeline will NOT have any effect on the price on a barrel of oil in the USA. Its clear the traders are going to keep a price of oil between 90 dollars and 100 for years to come regardless of where we drill.