Sorry but the dummy was the one who created the recession( Bush ). Which in turn caused gas prices to plummet just as he left office and the economic crisis for Obama. You see there's this thing called supply and demand. When demand plummeted because of the economic crisis Bush created, supply went up and prices dropped. You also conveniently forgot gas prices spiked many times during the Bush years to over $4 a gallon.Gas prices at 1.85 and I said 1.86......So I was off by a penny.....Big damn deal!! Troll !
Jan 09 was still Bush 'til dummy was sworn in.
It was the price of gas in this the average. Nowhere did I say it was the CALIFORNIA price. Learn to READ!
The price that's always quoted by the news is the average price paid by Americans across the entire country. Prices were what I Said and you are just trying to make up stuff........I won't put up with troll crap!!You have said over and over that YOU paid 1.86 something for gas.. that is a not true. You got called out.
Next time, try using facts. The average price of gas in california WASNT under 2 bucks during the bush administration.
You cant claim prices were 1.86 when you have NO CLUE what they were in other states.
The price that's always quoted by the news is the average price paid by Americans across the entire country. Prices were what I Said and you are just trying to make up stuff........I won't put up with troll crap!!
A downgrade in global oil consumption forecasts; projections for another big boost in shale oil; and reluctance by OPEC members to cut output.
It would be a catastrophe for "HIM".
The prince in your link is only concerned for his holdings.
The Saudi Prince in charge of OPEC has stated his comfort with prices set at $70 a barrel. With prices at $70 a barrel, western countries would be less likely to find other sources of oil.
Russia is being CRUSHED and the ruble turning into garbage with the collapse of the oil prices.
The pain for Russia is greater than any sanctions the US could ever impose, and Russia is losing BILLIONS of dollars as oil collapses.
Putin has now ordered his troops to back off of ukraine. He knows his country will be brought to the brink of a depression should oil continue to drop below 75 dollars a barrel.
Thank you Captain Obvious!
Hmmm! The US and Saudi Royals are tight. Royals are not in power without US might. US Global money/business interests don't like the threat from Russian money/business interests and Russian oil plays a major roll in helping Russia be a global player to challenge US hegemony. Could something be afoot between the US interests (political and economic) and the Royals? Somewhere in the mix I've always suspected so.
Drop in oil would also help the economy so another incentive by either political party to welcome this as well. The trend has been that both parties have been losing the trust of the public and a positive economic bounce from lower oil prices serve both well politically.
NEW DELHI: Even as crude oil prices have dipped to all-time lows, Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings told ET Now that the decline is ‘artificial’. “Some of this (oil price decline) is artificial. OPEC is trying to drive down prices because of Shale competition. The oil situation is very artificial at the moment.”
“It looks like a lot of people are dumping. This is artificial. Though I would not be dumping oil myself,” Rogers said. Asked about the US Shale gas boom, Rogers said, The Shale boom will not continue very strong especially if prices do come down. That is high cost oil, and remember those are very short lived wells,” Rogers said. “The production runs down very quickly,” he added.