The keystone pipeline would of put thousands of construction workers back to work. That's why it needed to be pushed through.
Are you as dense as you come across? It's not rocket science if the oil companies need $100 a barrel for it to make sense to frack and get oil out of the sand tars. Then yeah they need to cut production if it's no longer profitable.
I am not the one who demonstrates "density" on a subject. YOU on the other hand dont understand the oil business.
$100 a barrel is a concocted scheme to rip off the american public. OIL per barrel shouldnt be over 40 dollars a barrel in real dollars. OPEC has CUT BACK production so far, they cant cut anymore without putting their workers out of work.
The only alternative is to drive down the price of oil and maintain market share.
Back in 2011, the saudi prince in charge of OPEC stated that anything over $70 dollars a barrel was nothing more than greed from american oil traders.
There was NEVER an oil shortage like GW BUSH told the USA when prices spiked to $150.00 a barrel during his administraton.
OPEC said in 2011 that prices over $70 dollars a barrel would spawn alternative sources of energy and western countries would then supply the world with oil. Thats exactly what happened.
Prices were allowed to spike under the BUSH administration to the point where they "forced" the government to allow them to increase oil drilling and other sources of drilling in order to sell to the world and not the USA.
Since president Obama took office, the USA has produced more oil in his 6 years than BUSH did in 8. Going further, the USA has EXPORTED more oil than it IMPORTED in the last two years, the first time since 1949.
The goal was always to make the USA the largest exporter of oil to other countries.
Controlling the stock trading price was the way to get there.
YOU can thank Ronald Reagan for that. Oil per barrel was capped at $5 dollars a barrel until he deregulated it.
Now, the traders hold oil over our heads and steal right out of our pockets.
The US oil companies have the technology to keep prices under 2 bucks a gallon, but they WONT.
The XL pipeline is a crock of crap. Its only purpose is to get the oil to the coast, put it on a boat and sell it to china and india.
The oil companies are making tens of billions of dollars and they aint about to reduce that knowing that we will pay 4 bucks a gallon come hell or high water.
As for the construction workers that the XL pipeline would employ, this is nothing compared to the tens of thousands of construction workers that could be employed updating all our roads and bridges if the republicans in congress would only pass Obamas jobs bill.
Of course, the oil industry is as dirty as the oil itself. They speak of cutting back on oil productions to get oil back over $100 a barrel.
That sez it all. They dont care about YOU and YOUR family.